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Recent content by Cordelia

  1. Cordelia

    Martial Flaw (v. 2.0) [Closed]

    The practice had proven more taking to her magical abilities than Cordelia anticipated. There had never been a need to perform such tests at the Circle, where any steps towards making mages combat-ready would be seen as too dangerous. Given everything that happened during the Blight, Cordelia...
  2. Cordelia

    Completely Booked [Closed]

    Siali didn't seem to interested in answering questions about elves, and Cordelia could see that she'd made a faux pas. “Hrm. Well. Ask any questions you want. Not really sure to start with that.” The mage gave a nod, still determined to learn more. She kicked her feet nervously before speaking...
  3. Cordelia

    Martial Flaw (v. 2.0) [Closed]

    “I believe that you are more than capable of controlling the power that you possess,” Cauthrien said. It was such an immediate and simple statement that Cordelia turned to the other woman in surprise. No one had ever spoken to her like that in the Tower, and for nearly all of her life she was...
  4. Cordelia

    Wardens On Parade [Group 1, Closed]

    In spite of disruptions to decorum, Cordelia was relatively pleased with the proceedings. The communications between King Bhelen and the Warden-Constable was clear and concise. Cordelia did not relish entering the Deep Roads, but a suitable distraction would draw away the largest horde of...
  5. Cordelia

    Moving Forward!

    Really proud of you.
  6. Cordelia

    Completely Booked [Closed]

    Siali paused for a moment, taken aback at something which Cordelia said. Was the notion of a pony so outlandish? “Not unless you were really keen on them, and as far as I’m aware treats are less interesting if you have them around every day.” Cordelia nods, shifting on her feet and thinking...
  7. Cordelia

    Martial Flaw (v. 2.0) [Closed]

    "Any power can be abused," Cauthrien said. Cordelia nodded, but felt her point was being twisted some. Magic was a different kind of dangerous compared to a sword or even politics. It could warp minds and perception, damage people so completely that it was hard to know they were ever human...
  8. Cordelia

    Wardens On Parade [Group 1, Closed]

    Cordelia has made it a point to not wander too far from the Shaparate during their free time, content to wile away her time with documents and books that granted insight into Dwarven history. Like it or not, she would need to become rather familiar given the connections between the Grey Wardens...
  9. Cordelia

    Martial Flaw (v. 2.0) [Closed]

    “You were in the tower during Uldred’s rebellion,” Cauthrien's guess hardly seemed a guess. Cordelia didn't doubt that Nathaniel had elcidated plenty of personal details to his subordinate. “That must have been terrifying.” It was, perhaps, one of the few moments in her life that Cordelia felt...
  10. Cordelia

    Completely Booked [Closed]

    Cordelia kept close to Siali, feeling somewhat uneasy as they made their way through the crowded streets. It was unlike anything she'd known before. Even before her life in the Tower, she'd never made a journey to Denerim. That was best left to her father and mother and in those cases, Cordelia...
  11. Cordelia

    Wardens At The Gate [Group 1, Closed]

    Cordelia was well and truly focused on her meal, the ache of the road lingering in her muscles. Perhaps she could have been given more time to acclimate to the Grey Wardens, but duty didn't wait for familiarity to settle in it would seem. The young mage kept relatively quiet as their meal...
  12. Cordelia

    Martial Flaw (v. 2.0) [Closed]

    “The Wardens have need of scholars and historians." Cauthrien's assurance eased Cordelia, although she wonder how much need there actually was. The Wardens seemed focused in their task, and while knowledge might enhance that, so did willing (or unwilling) sword arms. "..in the absence of a...
  13. Cordelia

    Wardens At The Gate [Group 1, Closed]

    Wonder conquered all of Cordelia's senses. All of her propriety strained against her overwhelming sense of excitement. It turns out that if you take a teenage mage out of the tower she'd been locked in most of her life—and subsequently throw her into one of the most exotic and bustling...
  14. Cordelia

    Martial Flaw (v. 2.0) [Closed]

    “You can always speak freely,” Cauthrien assured her. Cordelia raised a practiced eyebrow. It was the sort of thing you heard from Enchanters at the Circle, even though it was far from true. The young mage did not say anything but her haughty doubt certain shone through. “And if you slow us...
  15. Cordelia

    Completely Booked [Closed]

    “Let’s go then," Siali said. Cordelia could hardly contain her grin. A chance to truly see city, alongside another Grey Warden. For all of her apprehension about the potential dangers and dirt, she was excited. Life in a tower made even the most mundane things shine with a particular light...