• Hello Guest, the Post-Trespasser timeline is open to all characters now. If you want to play your DA:O/DA2 timeline characters in the Post-Trespasser timeline, please check out the thread below. It will give you all the information you need to get up and running in no time:

    Getting your DA:O/DA2 Character ready for Post-Trespasser!

Search results

  1. Ferdinand Winters

    Ferdinand Winters

    Name: Tiran Xuresh “Ferdinand Winters” “Tir” “Freddy” Race: Human Gender: Male Date of Birth: 18 Cloudreach, 9:03 Occupation: Private Tutor, Enforcer and Message Runner for the Mage’s Collective Companion(s): N/A Tiran is a thin, tall man, standing around 6’0. His posture is almost...