• Hello Guest, the Post-Trespasser timeline is open to all characters now. If you want to play your DA:O/DA2 timeline characters in the Post-Trespasser timeline, please check out the thread below. It will give you all the information you need to get up and running in no time:

    Getting your DA:O/DA2 Character ready for Post-Trespasser!

Search results

  1. Cordelia

    Martial Flaw (v. 2.0) [Closed]

    [27 Harvestmere, morning, with Cauthrien ] True to her promise, Cordelia had woken early. Well, her dreams had woken her really. While she had gathered that her time following the Joining was not as rough and nigh unbearable as some, there was no escaping from the discomfort that swirled in her...
  2. Cordelia

    Cordelia Lendon

    Name: Cordelia Marie Lendon Race: Human Gender: Female Date of Birth: 3 Drakonis, 17 Dragon Occupation: Grey Warden Mage Companion(s): N/A Cordelia is a petite young woman, only starting to truly grow into herself. Her kind face often bears a soft smile, as if to please the onlooker...
  3. Cordelia

    On an Odyssey

    Hi friends, As most of you know, I'm in the middle of a pretty intense review process for my job. I thought I could sneak in some posts and might be able to to, but my deadline/embargo is on Monday and I need to make a big time sprint to get through everything. I'll try to reply to threads if I...
  4. Cordelia

    Completely Booked [Closed]

    [29 Harvestmere, late morning. @Siali Arnith ] Cordelia was content, or at least as content as she might be given the circumstances. Adjusting the Grey Wardens had prove difficult but it was helped along with aid from Carver and other comrades. She was still not accustom to some of the strange...
  5. Cordelia

    Don't Leave Me Hangin' [Closed]

    [26 Harvestmere, morning. @Cauthrien] Cordelia woke with a headache. The young mage first attempted to lay in her bed longer than usual, but her sense of responsibility led to a deep feeling of guilt. She was a Grey Warden and needed to act accordingly. That meant training and study, regardless...