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Search results

  1. Breanna Guerrin

    Moonlit Heart-to-Heart [Closed]

    "Where else am I to confess the murders I have planned?" he quipped, his amusement obvious. "I hope you don't have anywhere to be this evening. It may take some time to get through the list." Somehow, she wouldn’t put it past him to plan murders. Not that he was the murderous type, but yet…...
  2. Breanna Guerrin

    Irregular Hoofbeats [Closed]

    "The same way you'd meet anyone you required something of - with gifts." She had to laugh at the comment, conceding the point for the good advice that it was. Whenever someone came that wanted something of her, or she needed something of them, gifts tended to be the first thing in order. “I...
  3. Breanna Guerrin

    Irregular Hoofbeats [Closed]

    "Well enough for someone who must soon face the fate of looking like a well-dressed fool, yes. And you?" She had to laugh at that, shaking her head. “Yes, your seamstress does you proud,” she teased, only belatedly hoping that he didn’t think an ill-intent behind the remark. She was...
  4. Breanna Guerrin

    Digging Deeper [Closed]

    Breanna nodded, although a part of her was irrationally annoyed. Despite her desire to retort aloud to reveal such a thing, she bit her tongue and instead looked down to the paper before her. Teagan knew damn well that she wouldn’t turn away the woman if he had her delivering the news to him...
  5. Breanna Guerrin

    Moonlit Heart-to-Heart [Closed]

    “That would be our luck, wouldn’t it? Here we are, simply wanting sight of the stars, and the sky rewards us with a bath instead.” Breanna quipped, a smile playing at her lips. It was easier to smile around Teagan than it had been back in Rainesfere. In reality, if not for the fact that she had...
  6. Breanna Guerrin

    Rebound [Closed]

    Oh my. If she received a look like that from a staffmember, she certainly would not have lingered about. Then again, the situation here in the compound was quite different from her own, she was sure. Not to mention that if she had come in with company, the staff would also have not said anything...
  7. Breanna Guerrin

    Well, Uh, Hi... [Closed]

    "And has he made any actual moves, or has this all been idle gossip that's finding it's way back to you and your father? And are they threats, or is he just trying to discredit you?" It was obvious to her that he was exasperated. She was, too, albeit for different reasons. But she knew that...
  8. Breanna Guerrin

    Irregular Hoofbeats [Closed]

    There were many things that she was having to acclimate herself to, as a Bann. Dealing with people was concerning, but somehow the least concerning of the list. She had been doing that all her life. The conviving was certainly much higher in this occupation, though. But somehow, despite all...
  9. Breanna Guerrin

    Well, Uh, Hi... [Closed]

    “No, nothing right now, thank you. And my market adventure has me with my own sweets if I decide I need one.” It was an excellent point, seeing as that was where she saw him. One that spoke volumes as to her level of distraction… and desire for delaying the conversation. Something he cleared...
  10. Breanna Guerrin

    Digging Deeper [Closed]

    There were some days where Breanna didn’t understand the desire to want her job. All it meant was being inundated in paperwork, after all. Did people think it was all power and no work? Then again, considering who was the person that seemed be doing all the behind the scenes, perhaps that was...
  11. Breanna Guerrin

    Breanna Guerrin

    Name: Breanna Tierney Guerrin Race: Human Gender: Female Date of Birth: 10 Bloomingtide, 9:12 Occupation: Bann of Rainesfere Companion(s): Hurin, a Mabari pup that was gifted to her by her father. At 5’8”, she got her height from her father’s side. But there are a variety of traits that...
  12. Breanna Guerrin

    Well, Uh, Hi... [Closed]

    “Maybe, but you’re important to him. You cannot expect him not to act on something that may harm you,” he said, offering up a smile that had Breanna trying not to sigh. She should have known better than to try to appeal to logic with another person inclined to cautionary behavior amongst those...
  13. Breanna Guerrin

    Rebound [Closed]

    “We get new recruits often. But yes, we have just added a mage to our ranks.” She listened with interest, unaware that new recruits came with any amount of frequency to the wardens’ ranks. Then again, perhaps they didn’t stay in Ferelden. She supposed it would be quite easy to transfer them...
  14. Breanna Guerrin

    Well, Uh, Hi... [Closed]

    He fell in step beside her, and she matched his stride with ease as they walked away from the market and towards the Estate. She still didn’t quite associate it as home, and the memories of the previous visit lingered heavily. After all, Catriona was not present with them on this trip, and the...
  15. Breanna Guerrin

    Rebound [Closed]

    She watched him as he went over the options, finding him as difficult to read as she normally did. One of them did not seem to have his approval in the least, as far as she could tell. She wondered which it was? When he declared his favor with the griffon, however, she nodded in agreement. “I...
  16. Breanna Guerrin

    Well, Uh, Hi... [Closed]

    "It's the lack of seaport. If you want, I can help strike some deals to send better good down your way, at least to Redcliffe." Her eyes came up to his at that, finding herself smiling softly. “That would prove to be beneficial for both of us. Thank you.” Perhaps that was something that could...
  17. Breanna Guerrin

    Well, Uh, Hi... [Closed]

    “Come now, surely you still know my name.” It was her turn to flinch, and she was not so skilled as to hide it from him. Straightening, she looked at his expression and felt her heart sink. He was smiling, but it was not a genuine one. Clearly he was not pleased to see her. Not that she could...
  18. Breanna Guerrin

    Well, Uh, Hi... [Closed]

    It truly felt like she was unable to visit the marketplace as much as she used to anymore. Then again, considering she used to live above the store she shared with her mother at the market, such would be the case by default. But she missed this. The bustle, the livelihood, the movement of the...
  19. Breanna Guerrin

    Rebound [Closed]

    He was coming closer. Tilting his head in acknowledgement. "This is a surprise." Addressing her. "What might I do for you today Bann Guerrin?" Argh. How was it that the man managed to still look good after such exertion? Then again, perhaps it was because of said--- No, better not to think of...
  20. Breanna Guerrin

    Rebound [Closed]

    Her arrival at the Grey Warden Compound had her carrying a small bundle of papers. Of all the visits she had planned for while in Denerim, she hated that she had waited so long in meeting up with Cauthrien. But conflicts primarily in her own schedule had meant that she had to push back any such...