• Hi Guest. With the upcoming release of Dragon Age: The Veilguard, we will be dusting off the forums and getting back into things. We will be making a new timeline for The Veilguard only after the game has been out for a few months to give everyone a chance to play it! If you have any questions, please let us know!

As the Crow Flies [Solo - Complete]


The Black Shadow
Canon Character
DAO/DA2 Timeline
((OOC: Firstfall 9, 9:32, The Waking Sea))

Cool water splashed upon Ricmo’s face, drops cascading in a slow drip, washing away the faint kiss of salt air upon the skin. He never liked travel by boat. Ships rocked too much and left him feeling unsteady upon his feet. He much preferred solid ground over the tumultuous unpredictability of water.

He glanced into the mirror, signs of aging apparent at the corners of his eyes. He had been an assassin for more years than he cared to recount. The scars of his profession left their marks upon him. His training as a child, the jobs taken as a man, each further pushed him along a darker path in life.

He would look at those people that lived conventional lives, look at the light in their eyes and the smiles upon their lips and wonder, what it was like to be them. Would he have ever been happy with such a pedestrian existence?

Such thoughts were for fools and daydreamers.
Such a life would never have been his for the taking regardless.

If it had not been for the Crows, his brother and he would have perished as children. The horrors of his childhood were kept tucked away, not thought of, not remembered. The day a Crow murdered Ricmo’s collector and discovered Ricmo and his brother in their unguilded cage brought an end to that nightmare and set him on his current life’s journey.

He was a Crow and took great pride in his work.

Pangrazio’s summons had found Ricmo at La Bella Morte, a rather exclusive brothel found within the heart of Antiva City. The name always struck Ricmo as particularly ironic given the number of contracts he had completed within the silk and damask covered walls of the establishment. The madam of the whorehouse had once been a particular favorite of Pangrazio’s in a prior life before the blush of youth left her skin and the sag of time took its toll upon her body. She had named the brothel La Bella Morte as a tribute of sorts of Pangrazio, having once been told by him that lying her arms would have been a beautiful way to die.

Pangrazio’s mission for Ricmo was received with mixed feelings. There was no love between Zevran and Ricmo, scores from the past long unsettled between them.

With a flash of white teeth and a toss of blond hair, Zevran took something from Ricmo he had not known he wanted until it was gone. She died and there was nothing Ricmo could have done to stop it.

With a flash of white teeth and a toss of blond hair, Zevran took from Ricmo the one connection to the past he wished to remain tethered to. He died and there was nothing Ricmo could have done to stop it.

But Pangrazio had been quite insistent. “I want him alive.”

Ricmo knew Pangrazio meant to make an example of Zevran, to show what happens to those that cross their masters, their betters. That did not help silence the need for revenge that roiled within Ricmo, though, and he was not sure when the time came, when he finally met eyes with the great Zevran Arainai, if he would be able to follow Pangrazio’s instructions.

Soon enough he would find out. He sailed on a ship bound for Jader. Ignacio’s last missive mentioned Jader as the port of call for the vessel Zevran left Highever upon. Much coin had been paid to insure the expediency of the voyage. Ricmo needed to get to Jader before Zevran and the Orlesian whore moved on to another location.

More water splashed upon his face, hands rubbing at the skin roughly. He would find Zevran and he would do as Pangrazio requested and should his dagger be perfectly imprecise and kill the elf rather than maim, so be it. Ricmo would deal with the consequences.

He looked into the mirror once again, staring at the reflection from the past that looked back at him. With the exception of a small scar upon the right eyebrow and a slightly straighter nose, he saw his brother in his face.

He saw Taliesen.


The Black Shadow
Canon Character
DAO/DA2 Timeline
((OOC: Jader, Firstfall 13, 9:32))

Everything about Jader felt overly rehearsed as if all the residents of the city were part of a never-ending play. They played their roles with flourish be it the bread maker or the cobbler. Mannerisms appeared exaggerated, voices boisterous, outfits flamboyant and feathered with flair.

The town left Ricmo feeling nauseous, a sickly pink feeling clinging to the lining of his stomach and leaving him feeling overstuffed with the excess of it all. Antivans enjoyed their pleasures, most assuredly. But Orlesians brought it all to new heights, new, gaudy and perfume laden heights. He was sure he would never get the stench of Orlais out of his clothing.

But he had not come to Jader to enjoy the sights or the people. He had one mission and then he would leave - find Zevran Arainai and bring him back to Antiva.

He had come with a small contingent of Crows, an ox of a man named Brom and an elfin woman named Ayleth. Ricmo chose Brom for his size. But Ayleth? She had certain similarities in appearance to Rinna. The color of her hair (Ricmo insisted on it being styled in Rinna’s style as well) and the general size of her body were just two. Brawn and bait he had jokingly called his companions more than once to himself on their voyage from Antiva.

He was no fool as to think three were enough to combat Zevran, though, and would need to hire mercenaries to assist him in the capture of the elusive ex-Crow. His need for hired hands had brought him to what qualified as a seedy establishment in Jader.

He walked into the Wilted Rose and was immediately struck how even the piss soaked taverns of Orlais smelled of flowers. He bit back a grimace at the redolence and proceeded to a darkened booth in the far corner of the establishment. His sources had arranged a meeting with the head of a local mercenary group called Les soldats du cheval noir.

Henri was a grizzled looking man, having seen far better days Ricmo assumed. Salt and pepper hair sat atop his head in an unkempt mass of curls. A jagged scar cut along his right cheek, causing the illusion that his eye actually drooped when it did not. His arms stretched along the top of the wooden pew, his posture relaxed, his demeanor friendly enough as he recognized Ricmo and nodded at the man in greeting.

“Join me,” Henri invited, a hand lifting slightly off the bench to motion to the seat across from him. “Pangrazio is, shall we say, an old friend of mine and I had heard mention you would be needing assistance procuring an antique for him.”

Hearing Zevran referred to as an antique caused the corner of Ricmo’s mouth to tug amused. He nodded to his host and took the offered seat. Not quite mimicking Henri, he stretched only a single arm along the border of his bench, caution bading him to keep one hand at his side and near the small dagger that he kept there. “Yes, I need men with an exacting touch that know how to exercise proper restraint. My benefactor does not want his prize damaged unnecessarily.”

Pangrazio and his silly rules. Ricmo knew the fate that awaited Zevran in Antiva was far worse than any death he might find by Ricmo’s hand in Orlais. That did not change the burning need for revenge, however.

Taliesen had always been a fool when it came to the elf. They played their little games of back and forth, pretended that the other was nothing more than a diversion. Ricmo was not fooled, however. He saw the way he brother watched Zevran. He saw the way he bargained with Pangrazio to bring Zevran back into the fold.

Finish the contract against the Grey Wardens and bring Zevran back to Antiva and all will be forgotten.

It was a lie, of course. Pangrazio had no intentions of letting Zevran live, not after he failed so gloriously and then fought at the sides of those he was contracted to slay. But Taliesen believed it and no amount of yelling by Ricmo was able to convince his brother otherwise.

And now Taliesen was dead and soon Zevran would be as well, just not soon enough to Ricmo’s tastes.

Henri seemed to consider Ricmo for a moment and then finally nodded in understanding. “Yes, I have five men I can offer you. “ An arm unfurled and reached for a mug atop the table. Henri took a sip of his beverage and set the mug back once again. “Your cargo has not yet arrived but I do expect it in port within the day.”

This was good news. The extra money paid to ensure expediency in his voyage from Antiva had been coin well spent. “Your men can be ready tomorrow then?”

Henri’s chin dipped forward in slowly in nod. “Of course, but there is the matter of the fee.”

Mercenaries were a greedy lot, so easily swayed by the gleam of gold. Ricmo placed a velvet pouch filled with gold atop the table. “That is half. The other half will be provided once the package is on board my ship and properly fitted for the journey back to Antiva.” Ricmo was no idiot. Friend of Master Pangrazio or not, there was no guarantee that this Henri would follow through with the deal without proper incentive.

The man frowned, eyes dragging across the blue sack. “You do not trust me, my new friend?” But he offered no further objections and began to reach for the money.

No, he did not trust him. A talking Orlesian is a lying Orlesian he had been told during his lessons as an apprentice. They were a slick people; their culture based on a foundation of lies and schemes. Ricmo’s expression remained impassive. “I shall have someone contact you with details on where to send the men tomorrow.” His seat had not even warmed from use when he rose, his stay meant to be brief and to the point. “Until then.” He bowed slightly, eyes never straying from their watch of Henri.

Henri shook off the quick departure with the flit of a hand.

Ricmo did not wish to remain in the establishment longer than required. And there was the matter of shopping to be done. Ayleth lacked the proper wardrobe and Ricmo knew just where to find it.


The Black Shadow
Canon Character
DAO/DA2 Timeline
Zevran left the others in their rooms at the Bull’s Eye Inn. Errands called him away, more ingredients needed for the poisons he was sure he would need before the orb was successful reclaimed.

He navigated the wide avenues of Jader, noting the differences between this city and those of Ferelden and his native Antiva. There was a certain level of opulence to be found in even the most pedestrian. Everything in Orlais felt falsely rich, something sinister hidden beneath a swath of velvet.
It made him miss Antiva.

There was business there he had yet to complete and he knew, once the orb was retrieved, he would need to say his goodbyes to his friend and continue on his journey. She had offered to accompany him, but he could not allow that. His feelings for her were too muddled and he needed a clear mind for what was to come.

No distractions.
No weaknesses.

But most of all, he did not want to be forced to make a decision he knew he would have to make if Leliana came to Antiva – her or them.


The noon day sun hung over head, the heat just enough to take some of the bite out of the winter’s chill. Body pressed against the thick lines of a brick chimney, Ricmo bided his time as he waited on Zevran to appear. The apothecary across on the street below was the only one in Jader to carry some of the more exotic ingredients required for the poisons members of the Crows favored. If Zevran needed to replenish supplies, this was the shop he would visit.

An hour passed before Ricmo caught his first glimpse of the elf. With a confident gait, Zevran walked down the street. He flashed a smile at a group of women he passed, giggles burst forth from ruddy hued lips in response. Ricmo wondered if Master Pangrazio would be terribly upset if Zevran returned to Antiva with a few of those teeth removed. A tooth for a tooth. So long as the elf was returned alive, what would the Master care?

Ayleth was in position, hovering near a fruit cart. Her role was simple. Allow Zevran to catch sight of her, just enough to tease and suggest and then be on her way. She was to weave through the crowd of midday shoppers, never giving him a full view of her. There was no room for error, Ricmo having made Ayleth practice and then practice some more the previous day.

And when he noticed Zevran stop just shy of entering the shop, Ricmo knew his bait had worked.


The similarities were too great to ignore, to pay mind to. The short cut of her hair, the taut yet curved lines of her body, the color and style of the dress, all coalesced into a single face, a single name.

It was foolish following the woman. There was no way it was her. It simply was not possible. But Zevran was unable to stop the movement of his feet or stop the wanderings of his mind. What if? Could it be? He had to know, so he followed.


The color of her lips as they spread into a smile reserved only for him.

The color of the stains her blood left upon the tips of his boots.

The color of the pain he felt against the side of his head before everything went black.


The water splashed across Zevran’s face was icy, a rude awakening to what he thought an unpleasant dream. The fog of unconsciousness lifted slowly, the pain in his head beating an uneven beat that made it difficult to open his eyes.

Only when he tried to move his hands and discovered them bound above his head, did he begin to remember. He had been a fool, falling for such a novice trick. The coin had been set upon the nightstand and he performed like an hungry whore.

His tongue felt thick and dry. He’d been out for some time, he assumed. Drops from the water from his cold awakening dripped down his body, cascading in tiny rivulets making him more than aware he was unclothed. Whoever had captured him meant for Zevran to stay put, meant to torture him or perhaps both.

His day had started out so well. Pity.


Perhaps it was a small blessing that his fingers had not been broken or perhaps Ricmo knew all along Zevran would need the use of his hands to pen the note he’d been commanded to write. The decision Zevran dreaded, the one he wished to never make flared before his eyes.

Her or them.

Write Leliana or know that her death was due to his lack of submission.
The decision was far easier than he assumed.

My dearest Leliana,

We spoke of choice upon the ship on the way to Jader. You told me had no choice back in Highever. You did what you must.

My friend, I am afraid now I must do what I must. There is no choice. I must return to Antiva and settle old debts. This is a trip, I am afraid, I must take on my own and I would ask that you not follow. Please understand.

I do not know if our paths should cross again, but I hope sincerely, that they do.



Coin was placed within the small boy’s hand. “This letter is to be delivered as soon as this ship leaves port, understand?” Ricmo stared down at the child. He could have been more than seven, all gangly limbs and a mop of greasy hair. His clothing was threadbare and cheeks sallow from lack of nutrition.

The boy nodded his head in understanding, “I is to deliver this letter to the pretty lady with the red hair and bright blue eyes at the at the Bull’s Eye Inn.”

He was such a child once, before the Crows took him in. And in a moment of rare kindness, Ricmo withdrew a sovereign from his pocket and handed it to the child. “See to it.”