Free Marches
- King & Queen of Ferelden - Alistair Theirin & Constance Theirin
- Teyrn of Highever - Fergus Cousland
- Teyrn-Regent of Gwaren - Quinton Yorath
- Arl of Amaranthine - Nathaniel Howe
- Arl of Denerim - (Open seat)
- Arl of Edgehall - Finley Lendon
- Arl of Redcliffe - Teagan Guerrin
- Arl of South Reach - Leonas Bryland (NPC)
- Bann of Alienage - Shianni (available canon)
- Bann of Amaranthine - Delilah Howe Price
- Bann of Hafter's Bend - Kiora Daire
- Bann of Rainesfere - Breanna Guerrin
- Lady Kiley Daire
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