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Maybe I'm Amazed (Closed, M-S)

Aerion Hunter

Grey Warden
DAO/DA2 Timeline
((Haring 18, 9:31 - Post Aerion's capture/conscription, but before his Joining))

Aerion’s posture seemed permanently changed since his recovery. He always had his head lowered before, but never did it seem to hang so low, his shoulders fallen as he seemed to stoop to accommodate his miserable appearance. Aedan and Mysaria must have noticed, but neither one seemed to want to mention it. It was as if they both understood. What could one say to a man that lost everything he ever knew? A man that lost his closest friends, the men and women he fought alongside for years, all of them struggling just to survive. A man that had his head in a noose, a death sentence that was nearly carried out if not for the Grey Wardens’ injunction.

He could only be grateful that Mysa had done everything she had. His body had nowhere near the amount of aches that he’d felt mere days before. Her presence was about the only thing that got him moving, really. The feel of her hand in his as she guided him towards Denerim was the only motivation he had in blindly putting one foot ahead of the other. Her patience and genuine concern was the only reason Aerion hadn’t snapped at the pair in a blind fury. How could one be angry when the person who was your eyes would make sure he knew when to tread carefully because a branch had fallen across the path? His scent told him she wasn’t acting completely out of pity, although what it was that motivated her, Aerion had not a clue. What she could possibly want with a blind, animalistic, barbaric freak like him, he’d never understand.

Yet not even her light smell of lilacs could cheer his spirits. Nor the soft stolen kisses when the group came to a rest. Nor the gentle stroking of his hair. Nor the feel of her warmth near him when she checked up on him at night, when he was simply pretending to sleep soundly. He hadn’t been able to sleep properly since arriving in Lothering. The faces of his brothers and sisters permanently haunted his blind eyes.

He had no idea if it was dusk yet, although the lack of sounds from the camp told him it must have been. He couldn’t smell anyone nearby. It seemed they were both scared to leave him alone for any particular period of time. From his perch on a tree stump, Aerion began to whimper softly, feeling like a wounded dog that needed to be put to rest, the tears he had been holding back finally spilling over now that he was alone. His body was nearly whole once again, but his mind had been irreparably broken.

Mysaria Grivia

Active member
Grey Warden
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
Things had been odd, to say the least. She was conflicted to be sure. Aedan had saved him yes, but at what cost? Only to die choking on the poisoned blood she had somehow survived. Part of her had wanted to close off, to say no to the want to be closer to him. Why allow herself when there was a chance he wouldn’t survive. Yet, that was not how she functioned. She knew she was already too caught up in the feelings that had woken in her once more only a mere few months ago. She would hold on to him for as long as she could, and offer what comfort was hers to give, even if it scared her in the process.

Still, he seemed so broken after the ordeal. How could she blame him for that? They had taken his sight, the family he had known since he was a child, and almost his life. It seemed the man she had met was fading out, giving up. That would not do, for it would take a strong spirit, as well as a strong body, to survive what was to come. She had to find a way to bolster him, to help repair the damage that had been done internally, not just the physical wounds she was able to mend with her healing touch. It was time to be the person she once was, the healer, the comforter.

When they had set up camp, she had ventured out into the wilderness. The frost on the ground had already killed many of the plants that found their life under the canopy of forest. It was an idle hope, but a hope she would pursue nonetheless. After a time she came across a few of the herbs she needed, barely hanging onto life in the frosty ground. She hoped it would be enough to repair the damage done. Perhaps with his sight returned to him, it would give him a small glimmer of hope to his life. She was foolish to think that maybe she alone could do that for him. No person should only live for another.

She boiled some water over the fire, and set about making what was needed. The herbs were steeped in the hot water, and soon she strained and condensed the mixture. She did not ask where he had went, or why no one had bothered to accompany him. Everyone needed their time alone. Instead, once everything was prepared she gathered it up, and asked in what direction he had went. It took a few moments to see the path he had taken, footprints etched into the cold, crunchy foliage. When she came across him though, her heart felt an extremely distinct ache. The noise that came from him was one of despair.

She approached him, and was not quiet about it. She knew he would likely scent her out before he even heard her footsteps nearby, but she did not want to startle him. She set the small pack on the ground beside the stump, and wrapped her arms around his shoulders from behind. All sense of fear at the contact was gone, replaced by an almost frightening need for it. He needed someone, and she would be that someone as long as he would allow it. She said nothing, gently resting her head against one of his shoulders. If he wished to talk about it, he would. If not, she would be there as long as he would let her.

Aerion Hunter

Grey Warden
DAO/DA2 Timeline
So lost in his thoughts was he, it was her sound that brought him out of it. Initially, his body visibly tensed, but the scent of lilacs immediately calmed him down. It was going to take awhile before he could react calmly to any sudden sound, although it seemed to be getting better. It could have been worse had he been fully human and feeling completely lost without his sight. Thankfully, his other senses, stronger than his eyesight to begin with, seemed to compensate for the loss of one by heightening the rest. He heard her setting something down beside him and the feeling of her arms around his shoulders brought him to draw in a deep breath to steady himself. From her reaction, he knew she had heard him crying.

Carefully, he brought his hands up to where her elbows were on his shoulders, running down her arms until his hands clasped hers within his in a poor attempt to comfort her. Maker, but her hands still managed to be warm despite this cold. She wasn’t even wearing gloves! ”I’m sorry. I didn’t think I’d disturb either of you out here. I... I’m sorry you had to come get me. I’ll... I’ll be quiet,” he got out softly, his raspy voice lacking any trace of the emotions that were clearly surging through him. It was just wrong to concern her any further, not after everything she had done for him already. Although his words said nothing, his body betrayed him, his hands grasping hers like it was a lifeline.

And she was his lifeline. After everything he had been through, after everything he had lost, she was the only thing he had left anymore that linked him to his humanity. If not for her, he would have reverted to the beast days ago and never even bothered with this journey. He brought her hands up to his face, kissing her palms reverently and savoring her warmth for a few quiet moments. It took him a few moments longer to realize just how freezing cold he must be to her and he loosened his grip, not wanting to hurt her more than he already had. ”Is... is it dusk yet?” He asked her softly, the misery making an appearance in his voice finally, hating that he couldn’t determine such a simple thing on his own anymore.

Mysaria Grivia

Active member
Grey Warden
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
Her heart felt like it would break at his initial words. He was sorry for expressing his sorrow. She nuzzled her head against his shoulder, squeezing his hands in her own. That he would feel shame at such a thing made a wave of sadness pass over her. No one would expect him not to be grieved. “You didn’t disturb anyone. There is nothing to make an apology for. I came looking for you because I made something that might help you.” Her arms tightened around him further and she felt his hands clench around hers.

Her breath caught when he brought her hands to his lips. It was simple contact, but it meant so much to her. She wished she could erase the ache in his heart. Her head rose, chin resting on his shoulder as he spoke. “It’s just past dusk. Dinner at the camp will be done in a little while I imagine if you are hungry.” She tried not to frown at the sorrow that broke in his voice. He was still gripping onto her hands, but she slowly disentangled from him. Fingers ran across his neck, feeling the cord of the necklace that was similar to the one she wore. That made her smile, and when she moved away from his back her fingers found the pendant still in its place at her neck. She had found comfort in this the many nights they were apart, and oddly, she attributed this piece of jewelry to much of how she felt about him. It was a silent promise, and a reassurance.

She picked up the package and moved around to face him. She thought about kneeling, but his elevation on the stump would have put them at a height disadvantage. As it was she was still going to have to lean up to administer this treatment. If, of course, he would allow her to. “I’m going to set this bundle in your lap, if you would be kind enough to hold it steady?” She set it on his legs, the warmth leaking through the cloth wrapped around it. Chewing her lip, she kept one hand on it, while reaching up with her other to brush away the tracks of tears on his face. “I found something that may help you regain your sight, but it will not be comfortable at first. I need your permission and trust to administer it. Will you allow me to try?” Her hand settled at the crook of his jaw, thumb running over his cheek bone. It was still amazing to her how much she seemed to crave this contact with him. While she was still mostly physically standoffish with others, it took all her willpower to not touch him. Maker, she wanted to help him as much as he had helped her.

Aerion Hunter

Grey Warden
DAO/DA2 Timeline
Aerion found himself sighing as he felt her hands running along his neck, fingering the necklace he had worn since their parting. That it had not been destroyed when he had been imprisoned, that a solitary soul had helped him in Lothering and had given it back to him was a miracle. He realized he didn’t know whether she still wore hers. He was about to ask when he heard her moving behind him to stand before him.

At her instruction, he nodded, lowering his hands and opening them to let her put the bundle in his grip. Despite his embarrassment, a sigh escaped him as her hand came to stroke his cheek, and he turned his head to nuzzle her palm lightly. When she spoke once more, he felt his misery lifting; however, he was quick to squelch it. He didn’t need to get his hopes up unnecessarily, but it was hard to convince himself of that when he knew she was the one administering it. Turning his head, he dropped a kiss on her palm once more, nodding gently. “I trust you. Do you need me to kneel on the ground?” Whatever it was, it didn’t seem to be a simple potion to drink. As in most cases, he had a feeling he was going to have to duck. But what could she possibly have? Something for his wounded body, no doubt.

Mysaria Grivia

Active member
Grey Warden
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
No, you’re fine where you are. I warn you this will likely burn at first as the medicine seeps in. I will cast a spell while it does its work to try to ease that pain.” Her hand left his face then, and she tried not to think too much. Better to think of him as a patient during this, someone who needed healing, than what he truly was to her. It would make any failure on her part easier to bare. At least, she hoped it would.

She began to unwrap the bundle in his lap, the cloth falling over where his hands held onto it, no doubt warming them against the cold. There was a noise, a grating sound, as she lifted the lid off the small cauldron she had placed her supplies in. It was still rather warm, but not unbearably hot when she reached in, pulling out a smaller pot. Dabbing some of the mixture onto her fingers, she winced slightly at the sting it caused. The smell wasn’t terribly pleasant either. Sometimes that which healed us could cause us more pain. Tentatively, her fingers moved towards his face.

Close your eyes, the medicine will find its way in.” It was a quiet command, and lacked any sternness. She waited until his lids closed, then began to smear the paste over his eyelids. Direct application to the eyes was probably best, but she wanted to minimize his discomfort. She did this with both eyes, frowning at the burning he must be feeling from it. She put extra near the corners, hoping that it would ease its way in, diluted by the natural moisture. She started to hum softly. It was a tune her mother would sing to her at night, the only thing she had left of her. She wiped her hands on the cloth that surrounded the cauldron, then picked up the slightly damp bandages that were also inside. She pressed these to his eyes carefully, before dropping the hum into a soft chant. Healing magic flowed over him, trying to bolster the effects of the herbs, and ease any pain he was feeling.

Aerion Hunter

Grey Warden
DAO/DA2 Timeline
”Don’t worry about any pain, I can handle it.” But he listened to her command and closed his eyes. It was good to know that she was truthful in her words. When she said it would burn, it definitely did. But Aerion’s pain tolerance was significant, thanks to years in pain because of the curse. He was used to pain, although he definitely didn’t enjoy it. Then again, after everything he had gone through lately, this burning was nothing in comparison. He found himself focusing on breathing at first, focusing on the smell of lilacs rather than the odious smell of the medicine, until his ears caught the sound of something he hadn’t heard yet. Despite the discomfort he was feeling, he couldn’t help but smile. ”’Beloved Aria’, isn’t it? My mother sang me that song as a boy. I hadn’t heard it in... well, years.”

He could feel her pressing some cloth against his eyes, and he did his best to ignore the sensations he was feeling as the medicine seeped past his eyelids. He winced softly, but let his eyes flutter a bit, letting them open just enough to let some of the paste enter. He could feel the warmth of her magic surge through him and he sighed softly, reaching out to place his right hand on her waist softly. He had an idea where she stood, although where exactly along the length of her body his hand wound up in, he was not certain. It just felt good to touch her in return.

Mysaria Grivia

Active member
Grey Warden
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
She smiled when he recognized the tune, though her chanting did not allow her to answer right away. Even through the burning of the herb, he seemed to be relaxing more and that brought a bit of comfort to her. Her concentration was lost for a moment though, as his hand rested on her hip. It wasn’t fear, just a momentary shock of more contact. She had to focus though, and even though her leg shift so her hip rested more against his palm, she did just that. The chanting resumed along with the healing washing over him. Finally, her voice tapered off, and she removed the cloth from his eyes.

Yes, it was my mother’s favorite lullaby,” she said finally answering his question. “I’m going to wipe it off now, so give me just a moment before you open your eyes.” Voice still soft, trying to be comforting as she guided him through this process. Even a minor restoration would mean that his vision was able to be fully regained. This time the cloth she used to wipe at his eyes was more damp, as if it had been sitting in water while she performed the spell. She couldn’t get rid of it all, but she could get rid of most of it. The few remnants of the mixture would help with healing. The sting should have died down as his body grew used to the remedy.

There, I’m done for now. There are other remedies I can try once we are in Amaranthine if this didn’t work.” She tried to sound hopeful as she put the lid back on the cauldron. She chewed her lip for a moment, because moving to put away the supplied meant moving away from his touch. Finally, she let out a soft breath and just did it. She was hurried though, setting it off to the side of the stump before moving back to him, her hands seeking out his, waiting to see if his eyes had recovered at all.

Aerion Hunter

Grey Warden
DAO/DA2 Timeline
Aerion grew in a deep breath, spending a few moments to settle himself before trying to open his eyes and see if it worked. He didn’t want to be disappointed. He didn’t want to disappoint her, not after she made such a remedy for him. When he felt her hands returning to his, he squeezed them gently, knowing he couldn’t wait any longer. If it didn’t work, it was time to know. Gingerly, trying to ignore the stinging that occurred, Aerion opened his eyes.

After a moment, his expression fell as his eyes registered nothing at all. His eyes shifted, but all he saw was blackness. His shoulders fell and the grip on her hands loosened up a bit as it began to register that the remedy hadn’t worked at all.

Then he froze. Frowning faintly, he simply focused on his lap for a few moments. Hesitantly, he released her hands, finding himself looking upwards towards her. He was seeing something other than blackness, he was beginning to see shades of grey, and at the moment it was in a familiar form. Carefully, he brought his hands up, and after an awkward moment of not being entirely certain where she was, rested them on her cheeks. The minute they did, a broad grin crossed his face, the first she had seen from him since Highever. His thumb stroked her cheek gently and a laugh escaped him.

Rising to his feet, he leaned down to give her a searing kiss, one hand slipping into her long hair at the back of her head to support her while the other fell to her shoulder. Only the need for breath made draw him away and he found himself leaning his forehead against hers as their racing pulses settled a bit. As he spoke, his hazy gaze found her crystalline blue eyes.

He could see. It wasn’t perfect, but he could see. And at the moment, the only thing he cared to ever see again was standing right before him.

”You are my beloved Aria, and by far, you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.”

Mysaria Grivia

Active member
Grey Warden
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
She frowned when she saw his shoulders slump, his expression turning downward again. Even his fingers loosened on hers, and she tightened her grip on them. It hadn’t worked, and as sad as that made her, she would not give up yet. She moved a fraction closer to him, waiting for him to say something, anything.

His eyes were on his lap, and he suddenly seemed confused. She wanted to ask, but she was being patient waiting to see if he would tell her. The loss of his hands in hers was almost too much though, and a soft noise escaped her. She had failed him and now he was going to push her away. But then his eyes cast up towards her, the golden color reflecting a bit of the soft light from the moon. Hope tried to well up and escape, but she held back. What if it was a fluke. His hands rose, and she watched them as they moved to cup her cheeks. Oh Maker, could he see her. Eyes darted back to his, and she could see the smile that split his face. Just that expression made her want to weep. His laughter brought tears to her eyes.

What happened next was unexpected, but not unwelcome. The kiss was just as fiery as the one she had delivered upon him the day they freed him from Lothering’s clutches. It still amazed her that she could feel this want, after everything. It was if he washed her clean. Her arms moved around his neck, and her response to the kiss was a mirror to him. She was panting when he broke the kiss, gulping in small pockets of air and trying to get her nerves to settle. For such a cold night, she was feel way too warm.

She blinked up at him, wondering what was going on behind his eyes. Wondering if it had healed him completely, or if there was still damage to his vision. Her concern outweighed the pounding of her heartbeat through her body. Then he spoke, and the blush burned its way across her face. Her throat tightened at the endearment, as well as the possessive term. All she could do in response was kiss him again, just as fervently as he had a minute ago, pulling her body closer to his.

Aerion Hunter

Grey Warden
DAO/DA2 Timeline
The feel of her arms around him, the feel of her lips against him, the smell of lilacs from her hair; all of it was electricity to his body. But he couldn’t help but keep his eyes open, keeping his hazy eyes locked on her. For once in his life, sight was the most important sense of all.

Granted, touch was not far behind.

Laughing warmly against her lips, his arms dropped down to lift her upwards so she was at his eye level, easily holding her in his arms as the kiss continued. He didn’t ever want it to end, this dizzying feeling of being desired by someone as wonderful as her. Reluctantly, he drew his lips away, dropping a few pecks on her lips between words. ”It’s not perfect, but I don’t care. I don’t know what you did, but it worked. My Aria, I can see. Thank you. I can’t ever thank you enough...” This time, the tears were not of misery, but of joy. The realization that he would not be forced to live out the rest of his life in darkness was a huge relief; the realization that she cared enough about him to save him from that meant more to him than anything else that had happened to him before. He dropped yet another kiss on her lips before lowering his head to nuzzle her cheek lightly, burying his head in the curve of her neck as he hugged her close to him.

Mysaria Grivia

Active member
Grey Warden
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
She squeaked a little into the kiss as he lifted her off the ground. Her arms tightened around his neck, and when he broke the kiss, she mirrored the soft laughter that had come from him. The endearment he had given her made her flush some more. It was tender, and wholly his. She didn’t mind the possessiveness that came along with it. She wanted to be his Aria. It was strange to feel the need to be just that.

You don’t have to thank me. I did it because I care about you, because I want you to see. If it isn’t perfect now, we can make it perfect later.” Quiet words, with true intent. She had faith she could heal him fully. This only proved that the herbs had worked. A few more applications and his sight would be fully restored.

He kissed her again, and she met it with eagerness. Fingers from one hand curled into his hair at the nape of his neck. It was a happy kiss, a comforting kiss, but it still flared something within her. Something that even as comfortable as she was being this close in contact with him spawned a hint of fear. She knew he would sense both the desire and the caution, his nose always seeming to discover exactly how she was feeling about things. He nuzzled against her neck and she sighed softly, tilting her head to rest against his.

You have me at a disadvantage, my dear one. Not only have you broken through my fears, but now you have a name for me. What am I to do to make us even?” Her tone was playful, but still soft. Fingers massaged into the back of his neck, feeling the cord of the necklace again. She could feel the slight weight of her own pendant against her chest, and wondered if he realized just how much it had meant to her.

Aerion Hunter

Grey Warden
DAO/DA2 Timeline
It was not often that Aerion disliked the fact that his sense of smell was one of his stronger senses. But even with his face buried against her skin, he could smell the slight reaction she had to the kisses, and he bit his bottom lip slightly, trying not to get excited at the thought. He promised her months ago he would behave, and now was no different. But this time, he wouldn’t let himself run away. His hold tightened slightly, however, wishing to hold her closely against him, acting instinctively. He was about to respond when she began to massage the back of his neck, sparking a low growling moan to escape him. ”My Aria, you can call me whatever you wish. I’m yours, whether you name me such or not.” At that moment, his nose came across the same cord he wore around his own neck and he smiled, dropping a kiss against her skin, just under her jawline and above the cord. ”It would seem we each have made our mark upon each other, though.”

Gently, he set her down, raising his head and smiling softly. She was a hazy form to him, his sight still something of a fog, but for once, his vision was better when something was closer to him. Normally, his sight was a strength at a distance, his eyes never very good at details up close. But right now, he could see the outline of her lips, the bright blue of her eyes... He could even swear she had some of her hair loose in front of her face. Reaching up, he brushed it back gently, smiling when he felt the strands getting pushed back and tucking them behind her ear. The smile faded slightly as he leaned down and kissed her with a gentleness he never knew he possessed. He wondered if she had any idea just how much she meant to him? Just how much he would go through to make sure she never felt pain again? He wished he were better read, so he could tell her. Maybe one day he’d be able to show her.

Mysaria Grivia

Active member
Grey Warden
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
She shivered when that growl escaped him, nostrils flaring as she tried to keep her breathing even. For a moment she chastised herself for it, knowing it must be a torture to him, knowing her body wanted him, when her mind was still being cautious. Then his words hit her, and she felt emotion well within her again. Hers. For however long they had left together, he was hers. Was it not only fair to both of them, that she be his? Was she ready for such a thing? When he mentioned that they already had made their mark, well, she only flushed further.

She reluctantly loosened her arms around his neck when he set her down. Feet unsteady, she leaned into him, keeping her eyes upturned to catch his. His eyes seemed to say so much in the way they looked at her, and even before the gentle kiss her breath was stolen away. The shortness of their time together hit her, the possibility of losing him in less than a weeks time made more fear well up within her. She could not tell him. Could not tell him that they could be parted so soon, when they were finally making progress with one another. Why did she have to feel this way? Why did he have to be conscripted? Her hands moved over his neck to cup his face, and she deepened the kiss. She knew he was trying to pull back, knew that he wouldn’t do anything without her consent.

When the kiss broke, she was breathless for a moment, looking up at him hands still on his face. “Aerion...” The words were hard to find, and she hoped that once they were forced out that it would put her more at ease. “My heart, its yours. Its been yours for much longer than I wanted to admit.” She leaned in brushing her lips softly against his. “I don’t want to be afraid anymore.” Thumbs moved across his cheeks, and she gave him a gentle, yet nervous smile. “Show me what it’s supposed to be like. Teach me how not to be afraid.

Aerion Hunter

Grey Warden
DAO/DA2 Timeline
His arms supported her during the kiss, feeling her get a bit unsteady for a moment. The heat of her palms against his skin was amazing, the warmth of her body pressed against his own just as nice. It was having a reaction within him that he found himself wishing he could fight, especially since her own body seemed to be reacting as well.

He looked down at her as she spoke, his eyes widening a bit at her words. She was nervous, he could tell she was nervous. But... she was being honest as well. Did she know what she was saying? Did she know what she was asking for? Turning her, he encouraged her to sit on the trunk he had just been on, ducking down before her once he did so. He remained silent for a few moments, covering her hands in his. ”You realize I... I don’t actually know what it’s supposed to be like, right? My... experience is limited, Aria. I have had one partner, and that was as a wolf. Somehow... I bet some things are different.”

As if to show her, Aerion shifted slightly. Stretching upright, he gently nuzzled his nose under her jaw, nipping at the skin of her neck lightly before dropping a light kiss upon it. Shifting, he ducked his head completely under hers and sighed, hugging her close. Even if she didn’t recognize it as such, it was an act of submission, him agreeing to letting her be the dominant portion of the pair. His animal instinct was fighting with him, not accustomed to doing any such thing, but he felt he needed to do it, to remind himself that she was in charge of the situation, not himself. He would go as far as she allowed him to, not as far as he wanted to. ”I don’t want you to be afraid, but I don’t want you to think I know what I’m doing, either.”

Mysaria Grivia

Active member
Grey Warden
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
She sat at his encouragement, folding her hands in her lap, fingers lightly gripping at the fabric as she looked to him. His hands moved over hers, and she smiled at him. Nervous, yes, but warm. He seemed worried, and she could not blame him for that, especially since he knew what had happened to her. Her head tilted to the side as he spoke of his limited experience and she just nodded at him at first. Though, she supposed that such a confession should warrant a response. She leaned forward towards him, as if to show she wasn’t afraid of him.

And I’ve had two experiences. One with someone who hadn’t a clue about things either, and one that I want to forget ever happened.” Then he leaned up into her, nuzzling under her neck, and she had to close her eyes. She may not have understood his full intention, but just him being close like that seemed to stoke something in her further. She wrapped her arms around him as he hugged her, resting her cheek on top of his head.

I don’t expect you to have all the answers, Aerion.” Her voice was soft, tender. Even though she was nervous she seemed resolute. How could she not be? He was marching to what could be his death. She wanted to give in to those urges that had scared her for so long. To be fully close to him before his fate was decided. If she didn’t, she knew she would regret it. She lifted her head from his, hands coming up to rest on the sides of his face again. Her lips captured his again, as if to tell him of her intent.

Aerion Hunter

Grey Warden
DAO/DA2 Timeline
That she understood him was good, he was glad to get that admission out of the way. But with her own quiet words, Aerion wanted more than anything to let her forget her second experience. So when her arms went around him, and her hands found his cheeks, he didn’t resist when she moved his head upright and kissed him with a passion that made him extremely aware of what she wanted.

Oh Maker.

It was all Aerion needed. He had been courteous, he had been kind. He’d waited patiently for her to give the ‘okay’ for such contact. That kiss had definitely been it. Even as they kissed, a low possessive growl emanated from his chest, and Aerion wrapped his arms around her waist. When he straightened to stand once more, he brought her up with him and set her down before him. Carefully, his tongue lapped against her mouth, entering and playfully moving against her own tongue when she parted her lips.

At the same time, his hands began to explore. His hands moved along her waist to her hips, where he laid his palms against her wonderful curves, his thumbs stroking her sides absently, mentally cursing the heavy layers between them. Carefully, his hands moved forward and upward, gingerly pushing the cloak back off her shoulders, keeping them there for a few moments. Ever so slowly, his hands began to make their way south, his palms just brushing along the sides of her breasts as he made his way back to her hips and slipping his arms back around her waist.

Maker, he couldn’t keep his hands off of her. It was mildly terrifying just how badly he wanted her after so much time not able to touch her. Now that he could, he wasn’t sure he would ever be able to stop.

Mysaria Grivia

Active member
Grey Warden
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
The growl sent a shiver through her, though it wasn’t out of fear. She had learned not to fear him, or the noises he made. There was something thrilling and comforting in the sound. It affirmed that he indeed wanted her. Had she any doubt of it, it would have been erased then. The effortless way in which he moved her was also something she found exciting. He was strong, but gentle even in his eagerness.

Hands began to wander one both sides, her sliding over his neck, fingers tracing along the cords of his neck. Clothing was an inhibitor yes, but she was glad that for now it served as a barrier. Slow was good, she thought it would help her overcome the panic that might try to rear its ugly head during this. She let out a soft whimper as his hands trailed over her, not of surprise or fear, but in reaction to the touch. She felt the chill of air kiss across the skin that was slightly exposed from the moving of her cloak, only adding to the sudden heightened sensitivity she was feeling.

Breath hitched even as his hands continued to move over the covered areas of her body, until finally his arms wrapped around her. She pressed herself closer to him, nipping at his lips as her hands slid down over his arms, fingers gripping at the muscles hidden by the fabric covering them. She could still feel the definition, and she blushed remembering the day in the training yard, how she was mesmerized by his form in those form fitting clothes. Another whimper hit her and she leaned in, kissing hard again. Perhaps it could have been construed as impatience, but the more that she let herself get lost in it, the less time she had to think. The less time she had to think, the less she would remember. The less she could remember, the better.

Aerion Hunter

Grey Warden
DAO/DA2 Timeline
He knew he was getting a reaction out of her. The feel of her hands running along his arms, holding onto him, gripping him spurred him on more than he cared to admit. The feel of her body pressed against his sparked him to tighten his hold on her, returning the kiss with one of his own. In the back of his mind, he was picking up on her fear, but the rest of his body was having none of it. Not right now. It wasn’t paralyzing her, she clearly wanted this, too.

Reluctantly, he parted his lips from hers, moving his lips along her jaw. ”Which tent is ours? Or which one is further from the Warden? Unless I need to find us a cave,” Aerion remarked between soft nips at her skin, moving from her jaw along her neck. His hands had begun to wander once more, this time moving up along her sides and stopping to rest on her ribs, hesitating momentarily about doing what he wanted to do in public. So instead he drew away and brought one hand up to the collar of her robe, his fingertips absently toying with the fastening. How tempting it was to see her in nothing but her cloak...

...But he didn’t dare. He had far too much respect for her to do a thing such as that. Besides, he didn’t want her to get a cold and this weather was not for such things. Considering just how much the animal within was starting to show, Aerion was rather proud of the amount of control he was able to show thus far. But with kisses like the one she had given him moments before, he wasn’t sure just how much longer he’d have it.

Mysaria Grivia

Active member
Grey Warden
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
A nervous chuckle escaped her at his questions. She tilted her head back, giving him better access to her neck and thought about what he had said. Their tents were alongside Aedan’s. She flushed at the thought of someone hearing them, knowing, but a tent would be more comfortable? She didn’t like the idea of a cave, even if they could find one. She closed her eyes again, fingers tightening as his hands began to wander.

The tents aren’t situated for... ah... privacy.” Part of her didn’t want to leave this spot either. Yes it was out in the open, and it was cold. She didn’t feel cold though, the heat coursing through her seeming to make her whole body too hot. When his fingers began working on the clasp of her robes, she let out a noise that could be considered a purr. “I... if we went that route, we should likely try and be quiet.” She didn’t know if she could be quiet though, she was unsure what any of this would make her do, or how she would feel once they really got started.

She brought her hands to his, clasping onto them. They were warm, despite the chill in the air, and she lifted his hands to her mouth. Lips pressed against each of his palms, and she took in the scent of him. There was something earthy about him that she found comforting. She often wondered what it would be like to have his sense of smell, wondered what about him would be identifying. Lips moved to press to his fingers, each in turn, just gentle sweet touches. It seemed muted in comparison to the kisses she had given him, but it was exploration of touch. Something she had long denied herself.