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She-nanigans and Her-ersy [Complete]


Prominent member
Canon Character
DAO/DA2 Timeline
Isabela was grateful for Celeste. The other woman didn’t push for more than Isabela was willing to give, and she even offered a suggestion on how they could use the book to muddy Castillion’s reputation a bit. Isabela grinned in response. “Now there’s a thought. Or a selection of recipes to get rid of a particularly persistent case of the clap. Some women might take curing his impotence as a challenge-” the bastard was handsome, and Isabela had enjoyed a few rounds with him before she realised that he was an enormous dick in more ways than one – “but that’d be enough to keep just about everybody away.”

Plus, there were many ways to spread that rumour that didn’t lead back to her. Castillion had already been pissed off with her over the slavers, and then even while he’d offered her a get-out-of-murder-free card, he’d put a bounty on her head. And she’d gone ahead and killed one of his men as a result, so now he was even more furious, probably.

“Which one? Not that any of them would be a great loss.”

Celeste was about as familiar with the hierarchy of the Armada as a person could be without being involved in it, so she’d likely know the name. “Hayder. Piece of snot, you probably remember him. Castillion stuck him on my crew for a while.” Whereupon he’d immediately tried seeding dissent, and quickly learned that few were willing to cross Isabela. She might be considered soft by some for freeing the slaves, but on getting the Call back she’d wasted no time in ensuring everybody knew how things were going to work. Obey orders, get your reward. Disobey once, lose fingers. Disobey twice, it depended entirely on Isabela’s mood if you got marooned or simply stabbed and tossed overboard. He’d been so confident that knowing Castillion would protect him, and he’d cried when she’d started in on his little finger.

His cockiness had come back enough to set up the ambush for her, and he’d learned yet again that he should have thought twice about it. He didn’t have the time to really take the lesson on board before she killed him, though.

Celeste Monroe

Shenaniginstigator In Chief
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
One of the things that Celeste liked about Isabela was that they thought alike. The pirate was quick to pick up on the potential of starting a story about that book he was so keen to possess. “Now there’s a thought,” she agreed with an anticipatory smile. “Or a selection of recipes to get rid of a particularly persistent case of the clap. Some women might take curing his impotence as a challenge-” Celeste accepted the truth of this with a nod, though she'd never been even remotely tempted, “but that’d be enough to keep just about everybody away.”

“That it would,” Celeste agreed admiringly. “I like it.” And Castillon most definitely would not. He'd already tried to have her killed, though it had done little more than cost him one of his interchangeable lackeys.

“Hayder,” Isabela identified him with a sneer, and Celeste made a rude sound. “Piece of snot, you probably remember him. Castillion stuck him on my crew for a while.”

“His notion of subtle, no doubt.” Celeste rolled her eyes, then lifted the bottle in a toast. “Here's to another asshole getting what he deserved.” She took a healthy swallow and passed the rum back. “Enough talking?” she asked with a suggestive arch of her eyebrows. That was one of the other things she liked about Isabela.


Prominent member
Canon Character
DAO/DA2 Timeline
So, Castillion was going to get a dose of the clap so potent that every brothel worker and girl looking for a good time would stay the flames away from him, at the risk of experiencing some flames below decks themselves. More people might be sent to kill or kidnap Isabela, the bounty on her head would be increased, and she would keep stabbing everyone he sent her way while she continued to look for this Maker-damned book. Then it wasn’t certain he wouldn’t just take it and refuse to lift the bounty anyway because he was precisely that sort of asshole. That wasn’t the idea. As long as Isabela managed to get in a room with him, one way or the other, all her problems would be solved. If he turned on his promise, she’d just kill him.

It was a simplistic way of thinking and didn’t take into account the reactions of his cronies and the merchants who benefited from his fleet, but it was a thought she enjoyed. It ran a close second to imagining being on a ship, her ship, again. With a crew of reliable, loyal knaves and a name to be feared and admired once again.

Both were far off in the future. Other enjoyable and more immediately achievable pastimes beckoned, as Celeste finished another mouthful of rum and passed it back. “Enough talking?”

Isabela grinned, knocked back two mouthfuls of rum just because she could, and set it on the bedside table. Spilling good rum was just bad manners, and that wasn’t the sort of bad she was about to be, anyhow. That done, she threw her leg over Celeste’s waist, straddling her, resting her hands on either side of the other woman’s head. “Enough talking.”

She dipped her head to steal the first kiss, driving all thoughts of Castillion away, ready to revel in the various victories of the evening.