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(( Harvestmere 25, 9:35. Evening. @Nicolette O'Hara ))
Josc was already a bit far into her cups. Not falling down drunk too far, but definitely way too chatty and handsy too far. As such, she was in a great mood. She's already won a few card games, gave the money back to the losers, and bought two rounds for the whole house on her. The singing had started soon after a man had said he'd sing her praises in the chantry for a kiss. He didn't get that kiss, but she did get him an extra mug before hopping up on a table and belting out a horrible rendition of a Oh Molly Me. The song got everyone singing along, it was easy to keep the beat with a stamp of the foot on the floor -- or in Josc' case the table.
Corff was yelling from the bar for her to get down, fussing over the state of the tables already in the bar, but everyone's singing drowned him out. Besides if Josc had heard him, she'd just offer to buy a new table. It's not like she couldn't afford it. Hell half the time she considered buying the bar anyway, but she always thought against it. She had enough business to deal with considering the mines and the lands connected to her estate. Besides, if anyone should buy the Hanged Man it should be Varric since he pretty much lived here.
The song ended, and everyone cheered. She lifted her mug and drained it, calling for the nearest serving girl to get her another. She didn't leave the tabletop, and Corff was too busy filling cups of the now even more thirsty patrons in the bar to be fussed. "What should we sing next you dirty dogs? A nice rousing tribute to Satinalia?"
That got a few "nooos" from the crowd and she laughed, "Alright, I know. We'll get all pious and we'll sing part of the Chant yeah? I'm sure the Maker would love to hear our rendition?"
That got a few wide-eyed looks, a few mumbles, before a group near her started laughing. She giggled, "Oh, come now. You know I'm not that blasphemous. I need a few more drinks before that!"
She paused for a moment, hands on her hips, looking around the room, "No one? Not a single one of you going to give me a suggestion then? Surely I don't have to do all the work around here?"
Josc was already a bit far into her cups. Not falling down drunk too far, but definitely way too chatty and handsy too far. As such, she was in a great mood. She's already won a few card games, gave the money back to the losers, and bought two rounds for the whole house on her. The singing had started soon after a man had said he'd sing her praises in the chantry for a kiss. He didn't get that kiss, but she did get him an extra mug before hopping up on a table and belting out a horrible rendition of a Oh Molly Me. The song got everyone singing along, it was easy to keep the beat with a stamp of the foot on the floor -- or in Josc' case the table.
Corff was yelling from the bar for her to get down, fussing over the state of the tables already in the bar, but everyone's singing drowned him out. Besides if Josc had heard him, she'd just offer to buy a new table. It's not like she couldn't afford it. Hell half the time she considered buying the bar anyway, but she always thought against it. She had enough business to deal with considering the mines and the lands connected to her estate. Besides, if anyone should buy the Hanged Man it should be Varric since he pretty much lived here.
The song ended, and everyone cheered. She lifted her mug and drained it, calling for the nearest serving girl to get her another. She didn't leave the tabletop, and Corff was too busy filling cups of the now even more thirsty patrons in the bar to be fussed. "What should we sing next you dirty dogs? A nice rousing tribute to Satinalia?"
That got a few "nooos" from the crowd and she laughed, "Alright, I know. We'll get all pious and we'll sing part of the Chant yeah? I'm sure the Maker would love to hear our rendition?"
That got a few wide-eyed looks, a few mumbles, before a group near her started laughing. She giggled, "Oh, come now. You know I'm not that blasphemous. I need a few more drinks before that!"
She paused for a moment, hands on her hips, looking around the room, "No one? Not a single one of you going to give me a suggestion then? Surely I don't have to do all the work around here?"