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The Denerim Literary Society [Complete]

Conrad Krause

Active member
DAO/DA2 Timeline
If the Warden-Commander agreed with Conrad's assessment of the short memories of his countrymen, he gave no sign, instead escorting him into the shop, leaving Conrad musing about the vagaries of verbal interaction and wondering if he had made an inadvertent blunder.

Inside, the clerk promptly presented Howe with two more of those blasted books. He accepted them with dry humor, and to Conrad's disapproving comment replied only,

“He has a family to feed.”

Conrad accepted the rebuke with a nod. It did not make him feel any more kindly disposed to the merchant, who seemed to have plenty of books to offer to the public, but it did increase his esteem for the Warden-Commander, who would accept such disrespect in the name of another's well being.

“Then I shall purchase them, as well,” he announced calmly. Even from the rude clerk at the other shop, though he would not give a copper of his coin to the man for anything else. “And burn them.” He knew what a precious gift it was to not be alone, and he was determined to pass it on when he could.

“The books you want are over here,” the Warden-Commander told him, gesturing to a shelf containing several tomes. Conrad approached, his gaze flickering over the titles printed on the spines before he selected one.

“Ferelden: Folklore and History,” he murmured, leafing carefully through the pages. It seemed comprehensive. "Is this one accurate?" he asked. The name Tethras was nowhere in evidence, at least. "Are there any that deal with the Blight?"

Nathaniel Howe

Warden Commander of Ferelden
Canon Character
Grey Warden
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
“Then I shall purchase them, as well,” Conrad announced regarding copies of 50 Shades of Grey Warden. “And burn them.”

The comment drew the slight twitch of Nathaniel’s mouth in a smirk. “They make excellent kindling.”

There had been enough talk of the famed tome. Nathaniel turned the conversation toward books of another nature and motioned toward a shelf of books about the history of Ferelden.

“Ferelden: Folklore and History,” Conrad said as he flipped through the pages of the book. "Is this one accurate?" he asked. "Are there any that deal with the Blight?”

“It is,” Nathaniel replied. As to Conrad’s other query, there was no shortage of books about the Blight. None contained the real truth of what happened in Ferelden during the Blight. There was no mention of Aedan’s dark ritual with the witch, Morrigan. There was no mention of the part Nathaniel was sure Arl Eamon played in things. History was often written by the victors after all.

Nathaniel settled upon a book titled, The Blighted Cause. There were no flowery passages touting the great heroism of Aedan Cousland in this book, at least. The author focused on the facts and did not embellish for the sake of making the read more interesting.

He pulled the book from the shelf and offered it to Conrad. “The read is a bit dry, but the facts are accurate in this book,” he noted. The treachery of his father was detailed well enough as were the treasons of Loghain. One man with no good in him and one man whose good had been twisted into bad by another.

Nathaniel inclined his head toward both books. “Allow me to get those for you in thanks for the snack."

Conrad Krause

Active member
DAO/DA2 Timeline
His promise to join the Warden-Commander in ridding the world – or at least Denerim – of the loathsome books drew a thin smile. “They make excellent kindling,” he advised.

Conrad accepted this with a nod and followed him to the shelves where the history books were kept. Howe confirmed that his book on Ferelden was a good choice, then drew another tome from the shelf and offered it to him.

“The read is a bit dry, but the facts are accurate in this book,” he informed Conrad.

“That is what matters,” Conrad murmured, leafing briefly through the pages of The Blighted Cause. Let others seek out the lurid and insipid prose that Tethras fellow churned out; the son of Johann Krause sought knowledge.

“Allow me to get those for you in thanks for the snack."

Conrad looked up in surprise, a protest on the tip of his tongue, but he quickly thought better of it. This giving and receiving of small favors was a ritual that he had never participated in. No one in the Anderfels would have accepted an executioner buying food for them, much less offered anything in return. “I thank you, ser,” he replied gravely. “The Grey Wardens no doubt already have skilled healers in their service, but if I may ever offer my assistance, you have only to ask.”

Nathaniel Howe

Warden Commander of Ferelden
Canon Character
Grey Warden
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
Surprise colored Conrad’s expression at Nathaniel’s offer but he did not object. “I thank you, ser,” he offered. “The Grey Wardens no doubt already have skilled healers in their service, but if I may ever offer my assistance, you have only to ask.”

The Grey Wardens did have skilled healers but not nearly as many as they once possessed, not with Anders’ passing. He had no assessment of Conrad’s skills, but all the same, it was not good to discount a healer’s assistance when offered. One never knew when their services might be required. He nodded in appreciation of the offer. “Thank you. There may come a time when I call on you for assistance.”

That time, however, was not now. Other matters required Nathaniel’s attention such as getting ready for his evening at the Arl of Denerim’s estate.

Nathaniel dipped his head in another nod Conrad. “Please do not hesitate to call upon the compound should you need my assistance with,” a faint but not insincere smile, crept upon his lips, “finding more reading material.” With that, he returned to the counter to retrieve his books and pay Milton for both his tomes and Conrad’s.

“Good day to you, Conrad,” Nathaniel said in a final goodbye before taking his exit.