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Changed the name to Drakestone Reserve so there's no confusion with Blackstone Irregulars -
also created a Wiki page for the Drakestone Reserve here.
also created a Wiki page for the Drakestone Reserve here.
Alright, so as mentioned in Thornecroft Timelines, Hanamene eventually goes back to Redcliffe and serves the Arling. It can can play out organically IC, her getting to that point.
But this was the concept I had in mind for the cavalry unit she'd lead by the time we get to the DA:I timelines.
The Drakestone Reserve
- A small cavalry unit, never more than 10 horsemen, under this name.
- Originating out of the Redcliffe and Hinterlands region, they'd be based at a cantonment between Redcliffe and Lothering (Hana's family land repurposed for this reason).
- Name simply originates from the abundance of drakestone found in that region, has nothing to do with their armour or weapons. It's just symbolic.
- Though aggressive riders they'd remain a small force, avoiding large-scale combat when possible, and specialize instead on reconnaissance, tactical or attack-and-flee engagements.
- These would be veteran, auxiliary/irregular soldiers and horsemen, affiliated with the Arling of Redcliffe in particular. When the Mage-Templar war spills into the Hinterlands, they would've been doing their part to fight mage or templar alike in favour of defending the commonfolk of the region.
- Riding ability is paramount, pun intended. They'd likely all be riding Ferelden Forders.
Otherwise, the horsemen outside of Hanamene will be a revolving door of NPCs i.e. killable whenever needed to serve the agenda of one plot or another.
Since they're an auxiliary/irregular force, they don't necessarily have to be a legitimate offshoot of Redcliffe's militia. In my head, these would be ignoble people, close to a middle-class of citizenry and I drew some of my inspiration for this from the "Origins" section of a Wikipedia article on serjeants-at-arms - which was a real world class of fighter.
In my head, I could see the Drakestone Reserve as having risen from the ashes of a dead knight of Redcliffe's retinue or something. Perhaps the knight is slain and yet his men essentially carried on his mission in still serving Redcliffe?
I don't know, this is just concept stuff. Preliminary brainstorming. Thought it could work alongside Fer's desire to flip the script on DA:I's Teagan running away to Denerim with his tail between his legs when Alexius rolls into Redcliffe. Always seemed dumb to me that no one in Redcliffe rose up, when it was previously made out to be such an impressive, militant arling.
My two cents. Would love to hear yours.
Edit: And their affiliation to the Inquisition and/or to the Ferelden Crown would be dependent on whatever Teagan wanted of them. I see their interests being very centralized to the Redcliffe and Hinterlands region, but they're loyal to Teagan and would do whatever they're told by him specifically. Could be an interesting way to develop characters and play with some lower-scale political tensions if Inquis or the Crown tried to boss them around without Teagan's specific knowledge or express sanction (because that would prob go like this).
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