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[1 Harvestmere, 9:35; Mentioned In This Post]
Fine folded vellum, bearing a Chantry seal - addressed to Serah H. R. Thornecroft.
The letter remains unread, the seal unbroken but the contents therein are thus:
The letter remains unread, the seal unbroken but the contents therein are thus:
Dearest Hana,
Please accept my sincerest apologies, should this letter be found unwelcome by you for it was not my intention to cause you any such offence. With the significance of this day in question, on the anniversary of your father's funeral, I merely hoped to reach out in order to express the continued condolences of myself, the other initiates, and the Revered Mother. It is my hope that you will find this correspondence an exception to your request for privacy. It has been over a year since your father's unfortunate demise and we have heard so little from you that many of us have grown concerned for your welfare as much as for your soul.
My dear friend, will you not consider returning to the Circle? If not the Circle, then perhaps the Chantry? Our friends miss you terribly. For many weeks after the funeral, no one had any idea as to the whereabouts you'd gone off to. I admit, there was some gossip about you having left Kirkwall altogether but the templars eventually told us that you'd reappeared in Lowtown of all places. Please excuse my pressing them for further details, as to your precise location. I merely grew quite worried about what might befall you in such a district. I understand, though, that you've taken up employ with a local builder. It is a relief to know that you are still in the city and that you have a roof over your head.
I worry for you still, dear friend. Between you and I, I do empathize with your reservations about joining the templars given the nature of your father's death. The Chantry could still be a home for you, however. All I ask, is that you would consider this as well as the consequences of turning your back on the Maker altogether. We will otherwise respect your wishes and try to keep our distance, during this difficult time. Know that we will continue to pray for you as well.
Fond regards,
Sister Maye