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    Getting your DA:O/DA2 Character ready for Post-Trespasser!

Recent content by Mara Kerr

  1. Mara Kerr

    O Brothers Where Art Thou? [Closed]

    It had been one heck of a month for Mara. While she didn’t mind all the travel, the worries and what-ifs that gnawed at her thoughts took away much of the joy she found in journeying with Kitten. She hardly remembered making the trek back to Denerim. One foot in front of the other was all it...
  2. Mara Kerr

    Scout and About [Closed]

    (( 10 Guardian, 41 Dragon, Mid-Morning, Vandi )) Two weeks of travel felt like a much-needed vacation for Mara. At least, it would’ve been if it wasn’t clouded by worries and worse dreams than usual. She could no longer count the number of months that had passed since the last time she’d been...
  3. Mara Kerr

    Caught Between a Rock and Another Rock

    “As it happens, I’m better at tracking in cities than in the Wilds. I’ve never had much luck getting information from squirrels and jays, but I’ve eyes in Amaranthine and Highever both.” Had Mara not been so infuriated and terrified all at once, the man’s joke would have drawn quite a laugh...
  4. Mara Kerr

    Caught Between a Rock and Another Rock

    “I guessed,” the man stated plainly. Mara’s eyes narrowed, doubt prickling at her nerves, but she wasn’t about to question someone that was starting to lean towards her side. “He spoke of you in the past. No details. He was quite protective of you, and it was plain that he loved you.” The smile...
  5. Mara Kerr

    Moving Forward!

    Hey, y’all, as some of you may know by now, I’m moving to Bellevue, Washington! I’ve been on the road since yesterday morning (with a stop at my big bro’s house) and will hopefully make it in tonight. After that, I have to get moved in, get my job situation sorted, and overall just get settled...
  6. Mara Kerr

    Night in the Woods [Closed]

    “I can’t say it’s the most original one I’ve ever seen,” Ferren commented about the symbol. Mara nodded her agreement, pleased that even he could see the stupidity in it. “Having a hard time remembering a name, but I’ve seen it before. Couple o’ farmers to the southwest had some trouble with...
  7. Mara Kerr

    Caught Between a Rock and Another Rock

    “I’m inclined to believe you.” Mara waited for a but…, but it never came. The man just continued on. “Your story fits the evidence, for one thing. There was no blood in the study; not a drop. None in the hallway or on the stairs down from the second floor.” Mara listened as he explained evidence...
  8. Mara Kerr

    Caught Between a Rock and Another Rock

    It seemed the healer was a lot more perceptive than Mara had anticipated. “Here,” she said as she offered what was sure to be a smelly poultice sealed away in a little clay pot, “Rub this on your wrists and any other contusions morning and night. Come see me for more when you run out.” Mara took...
  9. Mara Kerr

    Night in the Woods [Closed]

    "Whatever they're up to, it's not anythin' good. Enough of a reason for me. Just have t'be on our guard." “Right. Good.” Mara took a breath and steadied the worries she could already feel creeping in. Tracking people was different than tracking animals, and while these men were good, they were...
  10. Mara Kerr

    Caught Between a Rock and Another Rock

    “If the world were fair, a great many things would be different.” Mara resisted the urge to roll her eyes. She’d heard the same words from her father on many occasions, yet it never made her feel better. Stating something so obvious wasn’t supposed to be a comfort; it was a reality check, one...
  11. Mara Kerr

    Night in the Woods [Closed]

    Mara heard him before she could see him. The crunch of his boots and the rustle of fabric made her pull herself tighter into the shadows on instinct - it wasn’t until she caught sight of the blue of his uniform that she released the breath she’d been holding all along. “Almost didn’t see...
  12. Mara Kerr

    Still Beating [Closed]

    “Mara.” The sound of her name coming from his mouth made her grimace. She couldn’t place the tone - somewhere between “disappointed parent” and “tired friend”. She liked neither of them. “I’m not telling you to be angry. Be angry. But direct that anger appropriately. Fair or not, you are a Grey...
  13. Mara Kerr

    Caught Between a Rock and Another Rock

    Mara had never seen so much food in one place outside of festival days. Her eyes widened for just a second before she shook her head and remembered to look grim and quiet. She didn’t want to be here, even if there was an endless mountain of food waiting for her. Sticking close to Cauthrien, she...
  14. Mara Kerr

    Caught Between a Rock and Another Rock

    “As well as it does for any other Warden,” the Warden-Constable responded, “which is to say that if you pay attention to your training and follow orders in combat, I stand a good chance of being able to keep you alive. Don’t pay attention or don’t follow orders …I’m a soldier, not a miracle...
  15. Mara Kerr

    Night in the Woods [Closed]

    The cold bit at Mara’s nose as she pulled her cloak tighter around her shoulders. Her steps were light, cautious as she maneuvered around lurching roots and pesky twigs. The sun had set just a few hours before, earlier and earlier with each day. It was a blessing Mara was counting on as she...