• Hi Guest. With the upcoming release of Dragon Age: The Veilguard, we will be dusting off the forums and getting back into things. We will be making a new timeline for The Veilguard only after the game has been out for a few months to give everyone a chance to play it! If you have any questions, please let us know!

featured nominee

  1. Krem

    When Nugs Fly [Complete]

    (( 3 days after the Chargers return from scouting Haven, 9:41 - Herald's Rest, Skyhold - Sati Adaar )) Krem had seen a lot of villages wiped off the map during his brief stint with the Tevinter army, but none of it compared to Haven. He’d been outside talking to Harritt when the templars came...
  2. Vandi Morganach

    Feeding The Masses [Complete]

    ((Late Winter, 9:41; Haven; Sati Adaar )) Despite having the writ signed by Charter commissioning her into the Inquisition’s forces, Vandi had lingered in concealment on the outskirts of Haven for several hours, taking the measure of the place. It was smaller than she had expected; something...
  3. Bernie

    Let It Snow! [Complete]

    ((25 Firstfall, 35 Dragon; Mid-day; Open to anyone in Denerim)) Snowflakes had been falling in fitful flurries since the middle of the month, but true winter had been late coming to Ferelden. This morning, however, the skies had opened up, dropping a thick curtain of fat, white flakes that...
  4. Zevran

    Oops. I Did It Again [Closed]

    ((OOC: Harvestmere 30, 9:35, Late Evening, Alistair Theirin)) Zevran lazed about on the King’s bed as he had done on more than one occasion in the past. Surprising Alistair in such a way had become one of Zevran’s favorite things to do when visiting the Royal Palace. Alistair’s marriage to...
  5. Celeste Monroe

    Cry Havoc! [Closed]

    ((28 Haring, 9:35; Late morning; Following this thread and this note; Nicolette O'Hara , Joscelyn Hawke , Edwin Thatcher )) Maker, but she was beautiful. Celeste couldn’t get enough of looking at her, eyes drinking in every graceful line, fingertips reaching out to caress her in the morning...
  6. Nathaniel Howe

    The Way I Feel [Closed]

    ((OOC: Firstfall 18, 9:35, Evening, Vigil's Keep - Howe Family Vault - Fergus Cousland )) The ground was cold beneath Nathaniel; his body slumped in a seat upon the stone flooring of the Howe family vault beneath Vigil’s Keep. The painting of his father, rescued from what had been Bann...
  7. Alistair Theirin

    Unrest In The Alienage [Closed]

    ((Solace, 31 Dragon; Denerim Alienage; Falon Varos )) Of all the atrocities that Loghain had committed since abandoning King Cailan and the Grey Wardens at Ostagar, this had to be the worst. Alistair had never given a lot of thought to the elves. The ones around Redcliffe had maybe been...
  8. Nicolette O'Hara

    Cut To The Quick [Closed]

    [[OOC: 19th Firstfall, morning]] Celeste Monroe Nicolette turned around the deck, measuring her stride from bow to stern, around the boxes and tools that were in use, ignoring the worried glances from the crew that remained. Her pace had slowed in the last few hours. The agitated energy that...
  9. Mara Kerr

    Caught Between a Rock and Another Rock

    (( 1 Kingsway, 35 Dragon, Afternoon, Cauthrien )) Mara paced in her cell. Back and forth. Back and forth. She could still feel the sting of ropes on her wrist. The glares of guards, the smug looks on their faces when they brought her in to Fort Drakon. A murderer - that’s what they’d called...
  10. Cauthrien

    Those Left Behind [Closed]

    ((12 Firstfall, 9:35; Evening in the Grey Warden compound; Niamh )) Cauthrien re-read the letter again, leaning back in her chair with a sigh. Damn it. She had hoped that Velanna would remain … if not with Nathaniel, then with the Wardens. Instead, she had done neither, returning to her life...
  11. Ferren Bairston

    All the Broken Pieces [Complete]

    (( 12 Haring, Mid-morning, Guard Captain's office - Mara Kerr )) Ferren hadn't ever been very good at sorting things into tiny little boxes. Everything in his life ran together like a thin stew. People, places, events all thrown into the same pot and left to simmer. Sometimes one thing came to...
  12. Alistair Theirin

    All I Wanna Do Is Have Some Fun [Complete]

    ((12 Harvestmere, 9:32; Late night; Nicolette O'Hara )) He was running away. And he wasn’t coming back. Ever. At least, not for a few hours, damn it. Alistair slipped into a heavy cloak, glad that it had gotten cool enough that it wouldn’t look strange. Beneath it, he wore his old splint...
  13. Magnus

    Red Right Hand [Closed]

    [OCC: 7 Justinian, 9:29 - Redcliffe Docks - Late Afternoon - tag @Mara Kerr and Rabbit!] Standing along the edge of the wharf, a bare-faced young man looked out upon the lake in quiet contemplation. Today, Caethan decided, was to be a lucky day—for it was the seventh day, and seven was his...
  14. Aerion Hunter

    Maybe I'm Amazed (Closed, M-S)

    ((Haring 18, 9:31 - Post Aerion's capture/conscription, but before his Joining)) Aerion’s posture seemed permanently changed since his recovery. He always had his head lowered before, but never did it seem to hang so low, his shoulders fallen as he seemed to stoop to accommodate his miserable...
  15. Nathaniel Howe

    Perfect Day [Solo - Complete]

    ((OOC: Cloudreach 15, 9:35, Late-Morning, Fort Drakon, Denerim)) Sunlight bathed the courtyard where public executions were held in temperate warmth. A blue bird day, only a few gauzy clouds marred an otherwise perfect blue horizon. A perfect day, Nathaniel overheard someone within the crowd of...
  16. Nathaniel Howe

    The Cave [Complete M-S]

    ((OOC: Cloudreach 6, 9:35, Late-Afternoon, Just outside Highever and Castle Cousland later, @Fergus Cousland)) Salt water misted the air, moistening Nathaniel’s skin as he pushed his horse faster along the shoreline of Highever. The sound of crashing waves mixed with the heavy breath of his...
  17. Hanamene Thornecroft

    Remembrance of Thornecrofts Past [Solo | Complete]

    [OOC: 25 Bloomingtide, 9:25 – Easternmost Fringes of the Arling of Redcliffe, Ferelden - Mid-Day - w/ @Magnus combined] A local wedding was taking place in a clearing by the lake not far north, down the hill, from the Thornecroft cottage. A young girl sat upon a low stone wall, watching it from...
  18. Sofia di Castelbuono

    Buongiorno, Buongiorno! [Closed]

    [[OOC: 22nd Firstfall, morning]] @Cauthrien The crew of the Grey Dawn were hard at work, throwing ropes around, running about the deck and, from the sound of it, dropping heavy objects on the timbers at regular intervals. The sounds crept through the decking to Sofia’s cabin, where she was...
  19. Cordelia

    Completely Booked [Closed]

    [29 Harvestmere, late morning. @Siali Arnith ] Cordelia was content, or at least as content as she might be given the circumstances. Adjusting the Grey Wardens had prove difficult but it was helped along with aid from Carver and other comrades. She was still not accustom to some of the strange...
  20. Ferren Bairston

    He Mercs Hard for the Money [Closed]

    (( 10 Firstfall, South Wall "market", Early evening -- @Magnus )) By this point, Ferren had gotten real used to the sprawl that stretched past the South Wall. The people had been there so long that there was a little bit of everything. Homes (sort of), shops (sort of), an apothecary (sort...