• Hi Guest. With the upcoming release of Dragon Age: The Veilguard, we will be dusting off the forums and getting back into things. We will be making a new timeline for The Veilguard only after the game has been out for a few months to give everyone a chance to play it! If you have any questions, please let us know!

A Little Fun For Once In Your Life [Semi-open]

Adelaide Orland

DAO/DA2 Timeline
[[OOC: 4th Firstfall, 9:33 Dragon, late evening]]
@Joscelyn Hawke (plus anybody who has discussed the thread, has reason to be there and wants to nip in for bit).

Addie had been in a state of near-constant excitement all day. She had forced herself to pay attention during her studies, and been relieved when she had musical tutoring and then archery practice in the afternoon; both gave her a small outlet for the energy that bubbled under her skin, making it bearable. She had eaten lightly at dinner, too on edge for more than a few mouthfuls, and then had spent a few hours reading a book and not absorbing a single sentence from it. As soon as the chantry bell rang nine, she affected exhaustion and informed Ria she was retiring. After the usual fussing around with her hair and preparing for her bed, Ria went to her own room and Addie waited a suitable length of time until she could begin getting ready properly.

By which she meant, pacing around the room, redoing her hair into its usual small plaits pinned at the back of her head while the rest cascaded around her shoulders, redoing the style when her shaking hands left flyaway strands everywhere, and applying her makeup again when she was sure she could do it without smearing kohl all over her face.

Josc had promised to bring some clothes, so Addie remained in her nightgown for the moment. Her face burned at the idea of changing in front of the other woman but she trusted that Josc would not make her uncomfortable. Besides, a naughty voice in her head that she rarely heard pointed out that she wouldn’t mind all that much if Josc did actually see more than intended.

Oh Maker, she did hope she got another kiss this evening. The touch of Hawke’s lips had sat warm on her cheek for a day afterwards, and she still couldn’t think of it without smiling and getting a little giggly.

An hourglass on her desk and the quarter-chime of the bells were all the indicators she had as to the actual time. Ten of the clock crawled closer, and Addie sat on her bed, trying not to chew her nails, before going out to the balcony for the umpteenth time to see if she could try and spot Josc in the garden below.
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Joscelyn Hawke

Prominent member
Canon Character
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
Josc had a harder time finding clothes that seemed the right size for Addie than she thought she would. She realized that the other women she was well acquainted with in her life had too flamboyant clothing -- one even lacking pants! -- or was the wrong size entirely for Addie.

So, the second day after the dance, she spent some time in the Lowtown markets looking for unremarkable clothes that would fit her well. She even picked up a cloak for her with a hood, just in case.

Her nights were filled with stalking the Orland household. Watching the normal comings and goings of it’s inhabitants in the evening, and the routine of its nightly guard patrol. She certainly didn’t want to cause injury to the men, and was thankful that their patrol didn’t take them under Adelaide’s window but once an hour.

It was a few minutes after the patrol had disappeared around the corner that Josc moved into action the planned night of their little adventure. She noticed Addie already on the balcony looking for her, but she kept to the shadows for now.

A bag over one shoulder, rope around another, she climbed the trellis that was almost as high as Addie’s balcony. It only took a little finagling to get up on the railing after that, and she slipped down quietly, leaning against it before speaking up, “A little underdressed aren’t we?

She was teasing of course, and she slipped the bag off her shoulder. “Thankfully, I brought you a few things to help with that.

She moved towards Addie with purpose, but stopped short of sweeping the young woman into her arms. She did take her hand though. “Come, away from the edge where we might be seen.

Adelaide Orland

DAO/DA2 Timeline
While being in her nightgown would not present Addie at her best, she was determined to greet Josc in a dignified manner. She couldn’t always control the blushing but she could avoid a stammer and tripping over herself, and she would try not to track Josc’s every movement with the same yearning she’d felt after their dance. She was calm, she was poised, she was ready.

Then Josc spoke out of the shadows on the balcony and poise went out of the window as Addie nearly jumped out of her skin, slapping her hands over her mouth just in time to muffle the squeak. “A little underdressed, aren’t we?”

Her face was going up in flames as Josc slipped a bag off her shoulder and then walked towards her briskly and Addie hadn’t prepared for that either, and she was torn between disappointment and relief when Josc didn’t immediately embrace her; had she done so, Addie’s knees might have given way, and that would have been an embarrassing start to the night. “Come, away from the edge where we might be seen.”

Yes, she could do that. Addie nodded vigorously and then gestured through the doors to her room as though she was inviting Josc into a parlour for high tea, albeit far too fast and maybe a couple of notes higher than her usual speaking register. “Yes, through here. You can have a seat where you like. Do you want a drink? I have wine.”

She’d managed to get a carafe of wine in but had no idea if it was any good. She’d sent Ria out for it specially and was now wondering if it was too much. Her face was almost glowing as she walked in and gestured to the vessel. “It’s strawberry. I don’t know if it’s any good, I had to send out for it and have it snuck in. Father doesn’t approve of me drinking more than a little.”

But the whole purpose of the night was to go well beyond the boundaries Father had been setting for her since birth, and she decided she would celebrate that fact with the wine once Josc took some. She was a little reluctant to let go of the other woman’s hand before Josc released her, though. “So, um. What clothes do you have for me?”

Joscelyn Hawke

Prominent member
Canon Character
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
One corner of Josc's mouth lifted higher than the other when Addie slapped her hands over her mouth, muffling her surprise. She liked surprising people, whether it was gifts or just her presence. Though the latter wasn't always welcome, it seemed Addie was keen on her being here and didn't try to shoo her away once she had presented the bag.

As cavalier as Josc was about people coming in and out of her life, she still had her moments of doubt. It had reared its head a bit while she was preparing for this evening. Would Adelaide change her mind, would she realize Josc was someone she shouldn't be around. A mistake after too much wine? That's why she was being careful with this one. There was a presence to her that excited and drew Josc in.

Yes, through here. You can have a seat where you like. Do you want a drink? I have wine.” Addie gestured to the doors that lead into her room, and though she didn't show it, there was a bit of trepidation inside Josc. Any other person she may have chatted up or flirted with who invited her into their bedroom would have been doing so for the purpose of not leaving it. Addie just needed to get dressed and she was being considerate of the wait. “It’s strawberry. I don’t know if it’s any good, I had to send out for it and have it snuck in. Father doesn’t approve of me drinking more than a little.

Moving behing her, she brushed a piece of hair away from Addie's shoulder, exposing a hint of skin at the neck of her nightgown. Josc leaned up, and brushed her lips over it, before speaking, "I would love some wine."

She moved away after that, as if she hadn't just dared to tease her host. She picked up the carafe, and took in the scent as Addie asked her about the clothes, “So, um. What clothes do you have for me?

Josc took a moment before answering, taking in the sight of Adelaide's room. It was immaculate, everything perfectly placed, not a spec of dust. She picked up one of the goblets and poured some of the wine in it. She moved back to Addie, and handed it to her, "Trousers, a shirt, a cloak with a hood. All unassuming, save for that last one. Might be best to hide your face in Hightown, no matter the late hour."

Going back to the wine, she poured herself some this time, taking a sip. It was better quality than she normally had, and she grinned over at Addie, "I'm surprised that you remembered, but so very glad you did. I can turn to look out the doors if you want, while you get changed? Though if you want to just stay here and enjoy some time alone, I won't mind either."

Adelaide Orland

DAO/DA2 Timeline
Addie was going to be a good host and pour the wine for Josc when the other woman indicated she wanted some. This plan immediately went awry as Josc stepped behind her, moved her hair (and for some reason, Addie could suddenly feel every last strand as it shifted over her skin), and then it was an echo of the soft lips on the cheek, but this was her neck. Addie knew from the occasional romance she’d read that neck kisses were supposed to feel good, but she hadn’t really believed it. It wasn’t like it was a particularly sensitive area.

She quickly abandoned that assumption as the kiss sent feelings ricocheting straight to her brain and other places she didn’t even dare think about. She swayed slightly, an almost silent gasp escaping her as her eyes widened. This was what the fuss was about?

Then what in Thedas would anything else from those books feel like?

Josc moved away to pour her own wine while Addie gathered her scattered wits and resisted the urge to throw herself at the other woman. She wouldn’t even really know what to do when she got there, anyway. Grasping for a response, she asked about the clothing. Josc poured a wine and handed it to her before answering. "Trousers, a shirt, a cloak with a hood. All unassuming, save for that last one. Might be best to hide your face in Hightown, no matter the late hour."

Addie nodded, and carefully sipped the wine. It was sweet, and really did taste like strawberries, with a sharp tang in the aftertaste. It was good, and she gulped down a couple of mouthfuls to clear her throat. “I like this.”

Josc grinned at her. "I'm surprised that you remembered, but so very glad you did. I can turn to look out the doors if you want, while you get changed? Though if you want to just stay here and enjoy some time alone, I won't mind either."

Addie turned the glass in her hands, giving it some quick thought. She knew she really wanted to spend time with Josc and learn new things along the line of the neck-kissing, but at the same time the initial appeal of this whole trip had been getting out of the Orland estate without one of her father’s people watching her. “I’d like to go, I think. And spend time with you when we get there.” She gave Josc a shy smile, and finally managed to assert her will over her trembling hands. “I will change.”

The colour in her face came back quickly. “And. Um. Yes, if you just…look away a minute, I’ll be really quick…”

It wasn’t that she didn’t want Josc to look, she just didn’t have the words to mention it without seeming creepy. She dug around in the bag and found the clothing, all of which proved to fit her well after she had quickly removed the nightdress, although the trousers were snug enough that they clung to her with very little room to spare. With that done, she turned back to Josc. “How do I look?" For courage, she threw back another gulp of the wine and managed to repress a choke."Are we ready to go?”

Joscelyn Hawke

Prominent member
Canon Character
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
The kiss had the response she longed for, the shocked gasp, the blush, and the sight of tiny goosebumps running across Addie's skin. Just a tease, just a taste, before moving on to the wine.

I like this.” Addie said, which pleased Josc to no end. Most people hated it, thinking she mad for liking it. Of course, the kind she usually drank was a bit more fermented than this. This was still nice and sweet, not sharp like her cheap bottles.

She decided to give Addie an option, though she knew the young woman would want to go to the Hanged Man. She was fine with that, but one could dream of a little privacy and dirtying up this very clean room. “I’d like to go, I think. And spend time with you when we get there. I will change.

She was shaking slightly, but it didn't seem the bad kind of shake. Her nervousness was as endearing as her smile, and Josc hoped that those nerves would eventually calm in her presence. The blushing though, she hoped she'd be able to make her blush forever, “And. Um. Yes, if you just…look away a minute, I’ll be really quick…

"As you wish," she gave her a sweeping bow and an impish grin before turning towards the doors and taking another sip of her wine. Josc was no lecher. She wouldn't turn and look unless Addie asked her too. Which wouldn't happen tonight. She was going to show her a great night, which included flirting but nothing she wasn't ready for.

Well maybe some kissing. Josc liked a good kiss.

She heard the rustling of clothes behind her, and after a few minutes she heard Addie's voice, “How do I look?"

Josc turned around and she was struck silent for a moment. Those pants were tighter than she expected on those long legs, and she had to remember to breath. She also had to remember not to stride across the room and pull those beautiful hips against her. She did the same as Addie, finishing off the wine. "You look amazing."

"Are we ready to go?” She asked, and Josc nodded, putting down the goblet.

"Aye, we are. How good are you at climbing? I brought rope to help you down if you need it, and I can follow after." Josc moved back to the balcony, looking down and making sure the patrol hadn't decided to kick up the pace she had timed. She picked up the rope, and waited for Addie to let her know if she needed to uncurl it or not.

Adelaide Orland

DAO/DA2 Timeline
Josc bowed, which earned another blush, but was very good and didn’t look round until Addie asked for her opinion.

Addie was used to stares by now. She knew she had been quite lucky with her looks, and she had been to enough events and out in the marketplace enough times to recognise a particular kind of look at this point. Normally it came from entitled young noblemen, who she did her best to avoid. She didn’t recall ever noticing a woman giving her such a look, although she had hoped to see it sometimes.

Having it directed at her so openly from so close a range was not something Addie had been prepared for, and it made her feel good. Really good, and it gave her a lot of inappropriate thoughts that she had to hope weren’t showing on her face because Maker knew what Josc would think of her. “You look amazing.”

Addie couldn’t help a smile so wide it almost cracked her face. Every compliment from Josc was having so much more of an effect on her than all the sweet words from noblemen she’d received before, and they hadn’t even left the room yet.

They were about to. “Aye, we are. How good are you at climbing? I brought rope to help you down if you need it, and I can follow after." Addie followed Josc to the balcony, peering around for the guard. A rope was already in place.

“I haven’t climbed since I was ten.” Addie rolled her eyes to hide her anxiousness. “It’s ‘not suitable for young ladies.’ I think I’ll need the rope.”

She let Josc uncurl it. Knots dotted the length, and it was flung over the balcony. Addie looked at it, then back at Josc for courage. She took a deep breath, climbed over the edge, and clung to the rope as her feet scrabbled against the trellis.

It seemed to take forever, but she made her way down to the bottom, and still no sign of the patrols. That wouldn’t last long though, and she waved up to Josc, hissing as loudly as she dared. “I made it!”

Joscelyn Hawke

Prominent member
Canon Character
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
I haven’t climbed since I was ten.” she rolled her eyes, and Josc didn't blame her. Her mother tried to forbid her to climb, but that just did not end well for her mother. She'd have to give Addie some lessons in free climbing someday. “It’s ‘not suitable for young ladies.’ I think I’ll need the rope.

Josc nodded, making sure the rope was secure and then dropping it over the edge. She had come prepared, knotting the rope for footholds and handholds in case Addie didn't have much experience climbing. She helped her over the edge, and tried to hold the rope steady as she worked her way down. Josc smiled her encouragement down at her, hoping to help her keep her courage. Once she hit the ground, Josc couldn't help but laugh when she waved up all proud of herself, “I made it!

Josc mouthed, "You did, good job!"

She pulled the rope back up, tucking it into the corner of the balcony. She didn't want to leave it hanging for the guards to see, and she could climb down the trellis on her own just fine. She made her way down moments later, dropping beside Addie when she was just a few feet from the ground. She took her hand, pulling her along keeping her eye out for the guards. They reached the gate and were out into Kirkwall proper not long after. She took a moment to have Addie put up the hood on the cloak, and they were off through Hightown.

She took the quickest route she knew to Lowtown, and never let go of Adelaide's hand the entire trip down. Some drunks on the street tried to give a few catcalls, but she just hurried along with her companion, not even giving them any of her attention.

The Hanged Man lay before them, and Josc opened the door for Addie to enter just ahead of her. It was busy but not too overcrowded, making it easy for them to move inside. "Welcome to the Hanged Man, Adelaide. My table is right over there. Don't look anyone quite in the eye until we sit down, okay?"

She put her arm around her and guided her to one of the back tables. pulling out a chair. Once she sat, Josc pulled another close to her and sat down. "Did you want to try my strawberry wine, or just get an ale for your first drink of the night?"

Adelaide Orland

DAO/DA2 Timeline
Josc went down the trellis with an ease like she did it every day (and for all Addie knew, she did). Addie gazed up at her and then realised she was getting a very direct view of Josc’s behind and turned her face away, feeling colour crawl up her face again. Warm fingers wound with hers and Addie was immediately taken back to the moment when she had accepted Josc’s offer of a dance. A little calloused, warm, comforting; she curled her fingers with Josc’s and mirrored the other woman’s movements as they started to escape the estate.

Just before they reached the gate, she shivered suddenly, half convinced that this was a trap and at any moment Father’s men would burst out of the shadows and haul her away from Josc. The terror crept up on her and threatened to overwhelm her right up until after they passed beyond the wall, and then she was out in Kirkwall at night, without one of her father’s people, for the first time in her life.

Elation quickly replaced fear. She almost sprang along as she walked, although not by too much so she didn’t jostle her hood and make it fall. A few men and women walked unsteadily through the streets, and one or two called to them; Addie responded with a curious stare, wondering what prompted them to make comments like that out loud. What reaction was it meant to cause? It was no more endearing to her than the compliments and leers that noblemen gave.

She wanted to stop and look at everything. Kirkwall was different by night, its cracks and age hidden by shadows and every lit window made the place seem merry and inviting. She was not so innocent that she knew they shouldn’t linger, though, and she kept pace with Josc until they reached the Hanged Man.

It was busy in there. A different kind of busy from a dance or a banquet. There was a lot of chatter and raised voices. People moved their arms more, stood closer together – really close together, Addie noticed with an astonished look at a couple who were wound together in one corner and kissing the life out of each other – and there were more smiles and more scowls than politely vague expressions. Addie took in everything with shining eyes. "Welcome to the Hanged Man, Adelaide. My table is right over there. Don't look anyone quite in the eye until we sit down, okay?"

Ah, right. She had the vague impression that if she looked at somebody the wrong way they might take offence – she had read about such taverns in her books, where everybody was a glance away from a brawl. She followed Josc’s instructions, leaning into her arm and taking a seat as directed.

There was a qunari in the corner! And a group of men nearby, some with missing limbs and others missing teeth, playing a spirited game of cards that seemed to involve taking a gulp from a bottle of clear liquid with every round, laughing and making fun of each other if they did something foolish. A minstrel in the corner was barely audible over the noise but was hammering away on a set of drums regardless. And everywhere Addie turned her head, she saw somebody with tattoos or piercings in places she would never have thought of.

She was still staring around in wonder when Josc sat beside her. "Did you want to try my strawberry wine, or just get an ale for your first drink of the night?"

Addie bit her lip in thought for a moment, then decided to be brave. “If it’s all right – could I have a whisky? I’ve heard they’re good, and I’ve never had anything stronger than wine or ale.” She leaned in towards Josc for a moment, lowering her voice as she tried not to gawp at anybody. “This is amazing. It’s nothing like the parties I’ve been to before.”

Joscelyn Hawke

Prominent member
Canon Character
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
She could not help the warm feeling that spread through her when Adelaide leaned into her. Josc had always been rather direct with her intentions with people. She didn't like playing games to get what she wanted from someone physically, or even emotionally at times. But with Adelaide, she wasn't going to lay that out on the table. There was an innocence in her that drew her in, and Josc was not about to ruin that. Not that Adelaide was stupid, no she was a very intelligent young woman who just lacked experience because of an overbearing family.

If Josc could show her things, let her experience that which she had been denied, she would. Even if she never got to taste those pretty lips she'd been dying to kiss that night she had met her on the balcony.

So, she squeezed Addie's arm reassuringly as they moved through the Hanged Man and eventually settled into the seats at her table. Josc asked after her drink preference, and grinned as she watched Addie bite her bottom lip.

If it’s all right – could I have a whisky? I’ve heard they’re good, and I’ve never had anything stronger than wine or ale.” That was a bold request, and considering she hadn't had anything stronger than what she named, she would probably suggest a bit of caution and slow sipping. That's when Addie leaned over towards her, and Josc land right back. There was wonder in her eyes, and Josc half wished she could experience the Hanged Man the way Addie was tonight, “This is amazing. It’s nothing like the parties I’ve been to before.

She gave a laugh, "And this is a quiet night. Wait til you show up during a packed house!"

Josc would be bringing her swords on a night like that, and maybe she should give Addie some self defense lessons in case it gets too wild. But that was a worry for another day. She flagged one of the servers over, "Whiskey for my lady friend here, and my usual."

She went off to fetch the drinks and Josc turned back to Addie, "Since you've not had stronger I suggest taking that whiskey slow. I'd hate to have to carry you all the way home, and for you to miss all the excitement."

She kicked back, resting her arm on the back of Addie's chair. A lot of familiar faces were in the crowd tonight, though not the ones she truly wanted to introduce Adelaide too. At least not yet. Maybe she'd be able to catch Norah on her next pass by her table and see if Varric was home. The drinks arrived then, and she didn't touch hers quite yet. "The minstrel doesn't seem to know how to work this particular crowd, otherwise we'd have some dancing going on too. I would have liked that, showing you a dance that wasn't so fancy."

Adelaide Orland

DAO/DA2 Timeline
According to Josc, this was a quiet night. What was it like when it was busy? Did people literally dance on the tables? Before she could ask, Josc had waved a server over to their table, and asked for a whisky and her usual. That Josc came to somewhere like this so regularly that the servers knew her order by heart was exciting to Addie for no reason she could put her finger on.

"Since you've not had stronger I suggest taking that whiskey slow. I'd hate to have to carry you all the way home, and for you to miss all the excitement."

Addie smiled, a lot more broadly than the usual ladylike gentle curve of the lips she typically employed, and twisted her fingers together. “I will. I don’t want to miss out on anything. Although…” she screwed up her courage. “I don’t dislike the idea of being carried, a bit.” Even though it would look a little strange, given their differences in height, and might be a bit uncomfortable for Josc. In fact it was probably a bad idea, but the idea of being swept up in Josc’s arms made her feel a little giddy. And she hadn’t even reached the whisky, yet.

Josc rested her arm along the back of Addie’s chair and Addie leaned into the warmth. A few people hailed Josc and eyed Addie curiously, although none of them approached the table yet. Addie left off asking questions for a moment to continue taking in the room, and only paused in that when the server returned quickly with their drinks. "The minstrel doesn't seem to know how to work this particular crowd, otherwise we'd have some dancing going on too. I would have liked that, showing you a dance that wasn't so fancy."

Addie beamed. “I’d like that. I’ve seen a few minstrels dancing in the marketplace now and again, and I’ve never recognise anything they’ve been doing. It looks fun, though.”

The whisky was pretty, a rich golden brown colour, although it smelled strange. She tried a tentative sip.

Maker’s breath, why did Father like this? The fumes rolled right up her nose, making her eyes water, and she gasped. It tasted like peat smelled, and her face scrunched up before she could stop herself. When she regained control of herself, the aftertaste wasn’t so bad, but she still stared at Josc, baffled. “That’s…not like anything I’ve ever tasted before.”

Slow was definitely better. She tried another sip, and then choked again, but not because of the drink this time. A woman, Rivaini judging by the gold at her throat and ears, had just descended the stairs at the back of the room, and she was wearing a bright headscarf and sash, a tunic, high boots – but nothing else. Addie turned her amazed stare towards Josc. “Do many people come here not wearing…breeches?”

Maker, she hoped that was not something the men did on a regular basis. She’d be happy not seeing that.

Joscelyn Hawke

Prominent member
Canon Character
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
I will. I don’t want to miss out on anything. Although…” Addie’s smile spread wider across her lips that Josc had seen before, those dimples going deeper. Maker, she was going to melt at the sight of them. “I don’t dislike the idea of being carried, a bit.

That made Josc laugh, and she wondered if the wine was what had loosened her companion up or if it was the excitement in being somewhere new. She leaned over, giving Addie one of her half grins, “Well, I can certainly oblige that request if you wish.

Which also meant Josc was not going to get as plastered as she usually did tonight. Tipsy, maybe, but she wanted to keep most of her wits in case anyone wanted to start trouble and she had to keep Addie safe.

They got their drinks after Josc made note of the minstrels lack of engagement with the rest of the tavern. Addie seemed delighted at Josc’ desire to show her different dances, “I’d like that. I’ve seen a few minstrels dancing in the marketplace now and again, and I’ve never recognise anything they’ve been doing. It looks fun, though.

Josc was going to comment on how maybe another minstrel might show up, and she would get the chance, but Addie took a drink of her whiskey. Josc covered her grin as Addie’s expression turned from curious to brief distaste. The stare she got after that made her laugh a little in her hand, “That’s…not like anything I’ve ever tasted before.

Corff’s brand is not the best, so you might like some from other places. There’s a reason besides preference I normally stick to the strawberry wine, over anything else here,” Still, she loved this place for all its faults. She moved her arm a little further over the back of Addie’s chair when she choked. After a brief moment of concern, she realized it wasn’t because of the whiskey.

She followed Addie’s eyes over to Isabela, who had just walked into the room. Josc gave her a wave with her free hand, only to turn back and see her companion wide-eyed, “Do many people come here not wearing…breeches?

Josc laughed again, but she hoped Addie knew it wasn’t at her. “That’s Isabela. She’s a friend of mine, and a sailor. She says pants are too restrictive.

Josc took a drink then, and her eyes wandered around the room, “I can introduce you if you like, but she’s even more handsy than I am.

Adelaide Orland

DAO/DA2 Timeline
Josc had a grin that pulled up a little more on one side than the other. There was something promising about it, although Maker knew why it gave that impression. It didn’t help with the happy squirm she didn’t quite manage to suppress when Josc offered to oblige her in the desire to be carried. Addie ended up just blushing and ducking her head, before looking up at Josc shyly from beneath her lashes. She’d spent so many years having exactly the right answer to any question that was put to her in conversation, but she had nothing to add to this one.

Thankfully the drinks distracted from her scattered wits, although not in the way Addie would have hoped. The whiskey tasted like mud, but mud that was somehow on fire. Addie aired her tongue and managed to find a way to comment on the taste that wouldn’t insult Josc. Thankfully, she didn’t seem to mind. “Corff’s brand is not the best, so you might like some from other places. There’s a reason besides preference I normally stick to the strawberry wine, over anything else here.”

“I might have that next, I think.” Not that she intended to drink too much tonight. Although she didn’t really know what too much might be. Somehow she thought that the occasional couple of glasses of wine she’d been allowed before might not have thoroughly prepared her for this. She would just have to see if she started feeling funny.

She certainly felt funny a few moments later, although not because of the whisky. A woman who looked like she’d stepped off the cover of a piratical romance novel swaggered down the stairs, and Josc knew her. “That’s Isabela. She’s a friend of mine, and a sailor. She says pants are too restrictive.”

“Really? I thought they offered more freedom of movement. I love my dresses, but it’s nice to wear these sometimes.” She was talking a bit fast and she knew she’d turned red again. She lifted one knee and shook her leg from side to side. Wearing breeches did feel a bit strange, but a nice strange.

“I can introduce you if you like, but she’s even more handsy than I am.”

“I like how handsy you are.” The words slipped out unbidden, and Addie quickly backtracked.“Um, I mean…my family don’t do casual touches. No hugs, or holding hands, rarely even a pat on the shoulder or a kiss on the cheek. And they discourage it with anybody else. And within a minute of meeting me you touched my arm.” And within half an hour of that, she’d kissed her on the cheek. “It sounds silly, I know. But even that little brush, it was…really nice.”

She glanced up at the sailor, who was resting her palms on a table and leaning forward, grinning at a man who was sitting there and looking a bit overwhelmed by the attention even as he counted out coins onto the surface. “I’d like to meet her.” Addie wobbled a little on this – she wasn’t sure if she was going to be able to prevent herself staring inappropriately at the woman, but then remembered that when Josc had shown up at the ball in a vest and trousers, she’d been able to keep herself from gawking. As much as she’d wanted to. “But maybe in a bit? I’d like to settle in a bit more, first. And I’m here with you. I don’t want you to feel like I used you to get here and then end up not talking to you for most of the night. Especially because you’re the most interesting person I’ve ever met.”

Varric Tethras

Bullshitter Emeritus
Canon Character
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
What had Josc gotten herself into now? The pretty young thing that his friend was escorting into the Hanged Man was all wide-eyed wonder, and if she'd turned eighteen yet, Varric would eat the candles on her next cake while they were still lit.

Some noble's daughter, without doubt, despite the pants that she'd been poured into. Well, Josc was nobility now, too, but somehow, Varric doubted that this outing had been sanctioned by the fair damsel's elders. Not that she could get into much trouble with Josc-

Who was he kidding? Josc Hawke could find trouble in a Chantry in the middle of a sermon. Not that she would deliberately do anything to hurt the girl; the solicitous way she was hovering around her made that clear. But trouble had an uncanny way of finding her.

He watched for a bit longer as Josc led the girl to her usual table, watching the golden hair shimmering in the muted light from the candles and chandeliers as she turned her head this way and that, seeming awed by everything she saw. Nobody that Varric knew, though that was not so unusual; Kirkwall's noble families tended to regard their daughters as bargaining chips in their games of power, guarding them closely until the time came to trot them out in search of a suitable match (and 'suitable' was generally a synonym for 'rich and powerful', rather than 'young and handsome' or even 'kind with a good sense of humor').

No trouble seemed imminent, but Varric still slipped Bianca into her sling as he left his balcony and ambled down the stairs, flagging down Norah to request a mug of his preferred ale (anything from the ratless barrels would be fine) and approaching Josc's table while the pair of them were admiring the (admittedly admirable) length of Isabela's tanned legs while the pirate bent over a table to use her other set of assets to talk some bloke out of his hard earned coin (whether said assets were straining the front of her chemise or resting at her hips was up for debate; she was equally adept with each).

“Good evening, ladies,” he greeted them with a gallant bow and easy smile. “Care to introduce me to your friend, Josc?”

Joscelyn Hawke

Prominent member
Canon Character
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
Josc was enjoying every moment of this. Addie's curiosity was refreshing, and while the young woman still had a touch of naivety, she was taking the cautions Josc had given her to heart. At least, she seemed to be.

Really? I thought they offered more freedom of movement. I love my dresses, but it’s nice to wear these sometimes.” Josc grinned wide at her companion's comments, settling in comfortably next to her. Defensive, but also drinking in her bubbling presence. Almost like a moth to a flame.

She offered to introduce the pantless pirate, giving a small warning as well. Isabela would respect her, she knew, but that didn't mean she wouldn't be as enticed by Adelaide as Josc. Not that she was truly jealous by nature, but... she felt protective.

I like how handsy you are.” In any of situation, Josc would have taken that as a broad invitation. Instead, she let a hand reach up and tuck a piece of Addie's hair behind her ear. She lingered around the shell of it, before removing it entirely.

Um, I mean…my family don’t do casual touches. No hugs, or holding hands, rarely even a pat on the shoulder or a kiss on the cheek. And they discourage it with anybody else. And within a minute of meeting me you touched my arm.” That sounded like a horrible way to exist among those who were supposed to love you, and Josc frowned briefly. “It sounds silly, I know. But even that little brush, it was…really nice.

"It's not silly at all. Everyone craves touch, and it makes me sad to hear your family thinks its unnecessary." The same hand that had brushed her hair behind her ear, came down to give Adelaide's hand a gentle squeeze. Simple touches, really. She wanted her to get used to it. To know it as normal as long as she was comfortable with it.

Her eyes moved back to Isabela, “I’d like to meet her.

After a moment she added, “But maybe in a bit? I’d like to settle in a bit more, first. And I’m here with you. I don’t want you to feel like I used you to get here and then end up not talking to you for most of the night. Especially because you’re the most interesting person I’ve ever met.

"I would never think that. You're here to have fun, and that includes meeting people. And my friends are some of the most exciting people I know! And I believe they are more interesting than I am, really. Just wait, you'll be enraptured by tall tales, or dancing with one of them to no music before the night is through." Josc gave her a playful wink, and as she looked past Adelaide, she saw a familiar figure coming down the stairs. "Speaking of tall tales..."

She glanced back at Isabela, but returned her gaze to her dwarven friend once he made it to the table.

Good evening, ladies,” Varric said with a bow, which was smooth despite Bianca's perch. “Care to introduce me to your friend, Josc?

"Good evening, Varric," she said with a warmth, and turned to Adelaide, "Addie, this is my dearest friend in all of Thedas, Varric. Varric, this is my newest acquaintance who I hope becomes as dear a friend as you are some day."

She was laying it on thick, she knew. But where was the fun in being boring with it. She kicked out a chair, "Have a seat. This is Addie's first time in the Hanged Man. I was hoping to make it memorable."

Adelaide Orland

DAO/DA2 Timeline
Josc didn’t take offence to Addie stumbling over her words. Instead she tucked a lock of hair behind Addie’s ear, fingertips brushing the very edge of it which left behind a trail of feeling that Addie didn’t know how to explain. It was her ear, why did it make her feel like that? Blushing, she hastened to explain herself and her exaggerated reactions to any sort of body contact at all.

“It’s not silly at all. Everyone craves touch, and it makes me sad to hear your family thinks its unnecessary.” Josc squeezed her hand, and Addie revelled in the gentle touch. Josc’s palms were lightly calloused, and the rougher skin felt surprisingly nice. Addie dropped her gaze for a moment, taking Josc’s hand between both of hers, and clasping it for a moment before realising she was acting a little strangely and letting go. Just with one hand, though.

She came to a decision about the Rivaini woman; she did want to meet her, but not before she’d spent a little more time with Josc. She didn’t want her friend to feel as though Addie had just used her to get here.

"I would never think that. You're here to have fun, and that includes meeting people. And my friends are some of the most exciting people I know! And I believe they are more interesting than I am, really. Just wait, you'll be enraptured by tall tales, or dancing with one of them to no music before the night is through."

“Dancing sounds fun.” Addie smiled shyly at Josc. “I would really like to dance with you again.”

Josc winked at her, and then her gaze fixed somewhere in the crowd. “Speaking of tall tales…”

Addie followed her gaze. Ambling towards them was a dwarf. Addie had met more than a few dwarves before in the markets, but most of the male ones had beards and were not so well dressed as this one. Any thought that they might have been a particularly strong-jawed woman was dismissed by wide-cute silk tunic that fully displayed a mane of chest hair. He strolled through the crowd at perfect ease, grinning broadly and bowing as he reached their table.

“Good evening, ladies. Care to introduce me to your friend, Josc?”

He had some sort of wooden contraption on his back, lined with brass and all sorts of interesting-looking buttons. Addie tried to work out its purpose by sight, but was more interested in the dwarf himself. Josc was quick to comply with him. “Good evening, Varric. Addie, this is my dearest friend in all of Thedas, Varric. Varric, this is my newest acquaintance who I hope becomes as dear a friend as you are some day." Josc kicked out a chair. "Have a seat. This is Addie's first time in the Hanged Man. I was hoping to make it memorable."

Addie smiled and blushed, rose, and offered a formal curtsey, which felt a little strange with the breeches. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Varric.” She knew the name, had read it somewhere or heard somebody talking about it, but she decided to let him tell her what he was willing rather than press him with questions. She sat back down, aware she had drawn some strange glances.“Oh, sorry. Habit,” she offered, sheepishly. “Anyway! This is far more interesting already than a lot of parties I have been to in the past. Nobody has even asked me about the tariffs on trade with Orlais.”

Varric Tethras

Bullshitter Emeritus
Canon Character
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
“Speaking of tall tales…” Josc smirked as she caught sight of him, and her companion turned big blue eyes in his direction.

“Good evening, Varric,” Hawke obliged with a smile of her own after his opening line. “Addie, this is my dearest friend in all of Thedas, Varric. Varric, this is my newest acquaintance who I hope becomes as dear a friend as you are some day." One foot nudged out a chair in casual invitation. "Have a seat. This is Addie's first time in the Hanged Man. I was hoping to make it memorable."

The girl got up and dropped what would have been a curtsy, had she not been wearing pants, a faint blush tinting her cheeks. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Varric,” she replied with a practiced courtesy, then became aware of the looks that her maneuver had garnered, showcasing as it had some rather memorable assets that were usually hidden by skirts. “Oh, sorry. Habit,” she apologized, dropping back into her seat with an abashed expression. “Anyway! This is far more interesting already than a lot of parties I have been to in the past. Nobody has even asked me about the tariffs on trade with Orlais.”

“You should be safe on that front,” he assured her as he settled into his own chair. “Varric Tethras at your service, my dear lady, and the Hanged Man is never less than memorable, particularly with Isabela in the house.” He cocked an eyebrow at Josc. “I see you've already introduced her to one of the more memorable parts of Rivaini.”

Joscelyn Hawke

Prominent member
Canon Character
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
Dancing sounds fun. I would really like to dance with you again.” Addie said as Varric made his way to the table. Josc made a mental note to do just that before the night was through.

Josc doled out the introductions, and Addie stood to give him a proper curtsey. Josc did her best to be a good girl and not sneak a peek at how tight those pants were on her companion. Instead she focused on her dwarven friend with a tight smile, until Addie returned to the seat beside of her.

Oh, sorry. Habit,” she said in her adorable way, and Josc turned to watch her again. “Anyway! This is far more interesting already than a lot of parties I have been to in the past. Nobody has even asked me about the tariffs on trade with Orlais.

That caused her to laugh. She couldn’t imagine anyone -- save for maybe Varric -- discussing tariffs at the Hanged Man. He settled into a chair at the table, “You should be safe on that front.

Varric Tethras at your service, my dear lady, and the Hanged Man is never less than memorable, particularly with Isabela in the house.” Varric gave her a look and she only laughed a little. “I see you've already introduced her to one of the more memorable parts of Rivaini.

It wasn’t like I intended to. It’s hard to miss when Isabela bends over.” She grinned just a little, “Also, she was a little surprised at her lack of pants, which I assured her was common for our friend.

She took a sip of her drink, resting her arm around the back of Adelaide’s chair, fingertips barely brushing her shoulder, “I was also telling her some of the non-violent trouble we could get into tonight. Dancing was on the list, but now that you’re here maybe we could play a round or two of cards before diving directly into the physical activity.

Adelaide Orland

DAO/DA2 Timeline
Thankfully, nobody commented negatively on the curtsey, and the idea of anybody even mentioning tariffs seemed laughable. Not that anybody who had asked Addie about that before had expected an answer. They had wanted a shy giggle, a blush, an admission that she ‘had no idea about such things, ser.’ Therefore she was unusually well versed in the details of costs and the variables that could affect such things, mostly because she had found being able to talk about it at enthusiastic length was a fairly solid defence against any young nobleman who wanted somebody pretty and brainless on his arm. Plus, while Father had on occasion strongly advised her to just keep her mouth shut, he could hardly tell her to be stupid in front of other people.
The dwarf introduced himself. “Varric Tethras at your service, my dear lady, and the Hanged Man is never less than memorable, particularly with Isabela in the house.” Varric gave Josc a look that Addie couldn’t interpret. “I see you've already introduced her to one of the more memorable parts of Rivaini.”

“Oh, I wasn’t looking-” she hastened to reassure Josc, but the other woman simply grinned as she pointed out that Isabela was hard to miss, before she rested an arm along the back of Addie’s chair and touched her shoulder just enough for her to realise there was no risk of upset.

“I was also telling her some of the non-violent trouble we could get into tonight. Dancing was on the list, but now that you’re here maybe we could play a round or two of cards before diving directly into the physical activity.”

Maker, just Josc saying ‘physical activity’ made her blush. “I’d like to learn cards. I know a couple, but they’re very sedate.” Read: boring. She doubted that anything she learned here would be boring. Varric’s name was tugging at the corner of her brain, but she couldn’t imagine where she’d heard it before. It was obvious he had a bit of money, judging by his clothes and the gold chain about his neck, and Addie was aware that there were a lot of dwarves who were noted as canny merchants in the city. Father, however, was a snob to as many people as he could get away with, and he didn’t limit that to humans. She had no doubt he’d trade with dwarves if he was getting every last copper that could be squeezed out of them, but that didn’t mean he was going to respect them. Therefore, she couldn’t place where she had heard of him.

Isabela had turned slightly and was eyeing the three of them with an interested gleam in her eyes – which were amber, Addie noticed. She didn’t think people actually had amber eyes. But she didn’t come over yet, and Addie cleared her throat before settling against Josc’s arm and smiling. “Although I’ve been told I can have a good poker face. Usually.” Not when it came to women she liked, apparently.

Varric Tethras

Bullshitter Emeritus
Canon Character
Post DAI Timeline
DAO/DA2 Timeline
“Oh, I wasn’t looking-” Addie protested weakly, looking mortified.

“You’d have been one of the only ones,” Varric told her with a chuckle.

“It wasn’t like I intended to. It’s hard to miss when Isabela bends over,” Josc pointed out with a smirk. “Also, she was a little surprised at her lack of pants, which I assured her was common for our friend.”

“She’s right,” he confirmed. ”It’s strategic as much as for comfort’s sake. People watching other things don’t pay attention to her hands.” She could draw a knife, lift a coin or slip a card from the bottom of the deck with none the wser.

“I was also telling her some of the non-violent trouble we could get into tonight,” Hawke went on. “Dancing was on the list, but now that you’re here maybe we could play a round or two of cards before diving directly into the physical activity.”

“Dancing at the Hanged Man doesn’t always qualify as non-violent,” Varric reminded her, watching the girl blush to the roots of her hair at the words ‘physical activity’. Definitely not one of Josc’s usual playmates, nor was the restraint his friend was displaying typical of her when there was a pretty girl around. Interesting …

“I’d like to learn cards,” Addie said earnestly. “I know a couple, but they’re very sedate.”

“Wicked Grace is anything but sedate.” As though the words had drawn her attention - which they probably had - Rivaini turned her gaze toward their table, and Varric could all but hear the girl’s thoughts piling into an incoherent jumble.

“Although I’ve been told I can have a good poker face,” she managed gamely, nestling into Josc’s arm. “Usually.”

“Well, if you can bluff against Hawke and Rivaini, you can bluff against anyone,” he assured her, modestly leaving himself out of the equation as he waved Isabela over.