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(( 20 Harvestmere - @Varric Tethras ))
Edwin had made a decision. He was going to talk to Aveline. Clear the air, as it were. Discuss what had happened between them, what it meant, and perhaps most importantly, the fact that it had not been just an everyday occurrence for him. He was going to make his way over to the barracks, get a handle on the myriad of confusing and conflicting emotions tumbling through him, and sort out what to do about this whole thing.
...In a bit.
The "conversation" with Josc left his head spinning, and if he went over there now, he was certain he would just babble. Words would come out, yes, but they certainly wouldn't be good words. No doubt they'd be too revealing for his liking, and while he had no intention of lying to Aveline or pretending to be something he was not, he wasn't especially eager to recount every detail of how he found himself in this situation.
So when he'd returned to the common area of the Hanged Man, Edwin ordered a drink. It was intended to calm his nerves and give him some space to think out what he intended to say, but doing so only made him that much more apprehensive. It'd seemed an obvious choice, then, to join in a game of cards that had started up.
The stakes were a bit high for his blood, but his coinpurse was half filled with counterfeits, in any case. Coins he'd long since improved to pass as the real thing in front of all but the most discerning eyes. He could still tell them by the slight difference in weight, and it was easy to scoop out the ones that had dropped to the bottom. Buying himself a seat at the table with less-than-reputable currency, Edwin managed to play through a few hands.
At first, he didn't bother cheating. He was already playing with imaginary money, and frankly it was the mark of an amateur to come out ahead in every hand. He needed to be seen losing, though still playing with something akin to skill. The luck of the draw, as it were. Then, when his opponents were a bit deeper into their cups, his luck would suddenly turn.
This time, however, Edwin never got the chance. As the cards were being dealt for the fourth round, Norah came over, her gaze intent on him. Edwin flashed the woman a charming smile, hoping she wasn't about to tell him that Serrah Hawke wished to have a few more words. But no, if Josc wished to speak with him further, she would have approached him herself, and with nothing resembling subtlety. Besides, Norah rarely spoke on Josc's behalf. She spoke on...
Edwin sighed as the woman told him Varric was asking for him. But it was silly to think Varric wanted the same thing Josc had. Aveline would not have spoken to him about such matters, would she? Then again, the dwarf had enough contacts that... no. He was being paranoid. It was probably about business, and he should welcome the distraction.
"Right." Edwin folded his hand and pushed away from the table. "It seems I'm wanted elsewhere. I'm afraid you'll have to clean out someone else tonight."
There were a few grumbles, but most everyone at the table accepted that they'd gotten enough coins out of him. Fake coins, but they didn't need to know that. Downing the last of his drink, Edwin thanked Norah and head up the stairs to the suite Varric occupied. He hesitated at the door to compose himself, fighting with his paranoia before he finally entered.
"If this is about the card game, I assure you I've not made a mockery of your lessons," he joked. "Two parts tin, one part lead, and just enough naivete to sell it."
Edwin had made a decision. He was going to talk to Aveline. Clear the air, as it were. Discuss what had happened between them, what it meant, and perhaps most importantly, the fact that it had not been just an everyday occurrence for him. He was going to make his way over to the barracks, get a handle on the myriad of confusing and conflicting emotions tumbling through him, and sort out what to do about this whole thing.
...In a bit.
The "conversation" with Josc left his head spinning, and if he went over there now, he was certain he would just babble. Words would come out, yes, but they certainly wouldn't be good words. No doubt they'd be too revealing for his liking, and while he had no intention of lying to Aveline or pretending to be something he was not, he wasn't especially eager to recount every detail of how he found himself in this situation.
So when he'd returned to the common area of the Hanged Man, Edwin ordered a drink. It was intended to calm his nerves and give him some space to think out what he intended to say, but doing so only made him that much more apprehensive. It'd seemed an obvious choice, then, to join in a game of cards that had started up.
The stakes were a bit high for his blood, but his coinpurse was half filled with counterfeits, in any case. Coins he'd long since improved to pass as the real thing in front of all but the most discerning eyes. He could still tell them by the slight difference in weight, and it was easy to scoop out the ones that had dropped to the bottom. Buying himself a seat at the table with less-than-reputable currency, Edwin managed to play through a few hands.
At first, he didn't bother cheating. He was already playing with imaginary money, and frankly it was the mark of an amateur to come out ahead in every hand. He needed to be seen losing, though still playing with something akin to skill. The luck of the draw, as it were. Then, when his opponents were a bit deeper into their cups, his luck would suddenly turn.
This time, however, Edwin never got the chance. As the cards were being dealt for the fourth round, Norah came over, her gaze intent on him. Edwin flashed the woman a charming smile, hoping she wasn't about to tell him that Serrah Hawke wished to have a few more words. But no, if Josc wished to speak with him further, she would have approached him herself, and with nothing resembling subtlety. Besides, Norah rarely spoke on Josc's behalf. She spoke on...
Edwin sighed as the woman told him Varric was asking for him. But it was silly to think Varric wanted the same thing Josc had. Aveline would not have spoken to him about such matters, would she? Then again, the dwarf had enough contacts that... no. He was being paranoid. It was probably about business, and he should welcome the distraction.
"Right." Edwin folded his hand and pushed away from the table. "It seems I'm wanted elsewhere. I'm afraid you'll have to clean out someone else tonight."
There were a few grumbles, but most everyone at the table accepted that they'd gotten enough coins out of him. Fake coins, but they didn't need to know that. Downing the last of his drink, Edwin thanked Norah and head up the stairs to the suite Varric occupied. He hesitated at the door to compose himself, fighting with his paranoia before he finally entered.
"If this is about the card game, I assure you I've not made a mockery of your lessons," he joked. "Two parts tin, one part lead, and just enough naivete to sell it."
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