• Hi Guest. With the upcoming release of Dragon Age: The Veilguard, we will be dusting off the forums and getting back into things. We will be making a new timeline for The Veilguard only after the game has been out for a few months to give everyone a chance to play it! If you have any questions, please let us know!

No Lace, If You Please [Closed]

Aveline Vallen

Guard Captain of Kirkwall
Canon Character
DAO/DA2 Timeline
(( Firstfall 14, Afternoon, Isabela ))

The couch had been a great buy. With that in mind, Aveline was taking some time this afternoon to go shopping for something entirely different, but with the same shopping partner. At least, she hoped. Isabela may not even be at the Hanged Man. This time she'd check and see if there was a better way to get in contact with her if she was present. She fidgeted a bit before entering the bar, this time she certainly wasn't in her guard uniform, though she still wore a leather shirt that would provide her some protection if someone decided they wanted to try and stick a knife in her ribs.

She had plenty of enemies in town, likely as many as she had allies.

Finally, she pushed through the doors, and walked over to the crowded bar, pushing through some men until she reached the side that Isabela normally placed her rump. She took a spot, and waited. She could just be hanging around upstairs for now. Once Corff had a mind to pay attention to her, she ordered an ale. She was off the clock, and there was no way she'd finish the swill. She just didn't want to loiter without purchase, because that was the kind of person Aveline was.

She nodded to a few locals who smiled her way, people she had helped in one way or another. However, not long after that, she felt eyes on her, and this time they were not so kind.

The man was probably about equal size to her, approaching her with a determination that was lacking. His friends were prodding him in the back, egging him on to start shit. She sighed, placing her hand on her sword hilt, just in case this escalated.

"So the captain o' the guard comes to mix with the swine of Kirkwall." The man seems pleased with himself and it only bolsters him to continue, "You should know you aren't welcome down here, woman. Best get yer ugly ass back to Hightown."

Aveline notices Corff stepping away from the bar as if he doesn't want any part of this little debate, and a few of the servers are definitely keeping a wide berth. "Ugly? Really? That's the best you can do? What are you going to call me a man next? How unoriginal. As for where I'm welcome or not, I don't think that's for you to decide, now is it?"

She stands up, hand still on the hilt, her other flexing as she prepares for this man to try something he shouldn't.


Prominent member
Canon Character
DAO/DA2 Timeline
There was nothing like the prospect of a holiday to put a swing in a girl’s hips. Even more so than usual if that girl was Isabela, and the holiday was from Kirkwall, and would consist of sailing to sunnier shores with her oldest friend and beautiful people as far as the eye could see. Since she had accepted Celeste’s offer of a trip to Antiva, Isabela’s mood had picked up considerably, even though she knew it’d be a bit yet before the Grace was in good enough shape to leave. Poor darling. She’d received a solid pasting but with some tender loving care she’d be as beautiful as ever.

Added to that, she’d been mugged on the way to visit a dead drop. She now wore the man’s rings on her fingers, the contents of his coinpurse had been added to hers, andshe’d made him cry. She hadn’t even killed him either. His humiliation at being so thoroughly beaten would prevent him from reporting her to the guards, plus the guards wouldn’t have to deal with another mystery deal body. Something Aveline tended to appreciate.

So it was already a good day when she strolled in through the Hanged Man’s door and saw the object of her thoughts sitting at the bar, nursing a drink and looking at the man approaching her like a bear being hassled by a small dog. Apparently the impressive flex of her muscles hadn’t filtered through his alcohol-soaked brain. “You should know you aren’t welcome down here, woman. Best get yer ugly ass back to Hightown.”

“Ugly? Really? That’s the best you can do? What are you going to call me a man next? How unoriginal. As for where I’m welcome or not, I don’t think that’s for you to decide, now is it?”

The man leered. He was a semi-regular, in that he showed up for the first few days after he was paid until the money ran out, and then disappeared for a bit until he could get more coin. “I think it might be up to me an’ my boys right now.”

“Oh, Aveline!” Isabela was at Aveline’s side, the back of her hand pressed dramatically to her forehead, her voice quavering. “Whatever will you do against all these big, strong men? Surely a gentle maiden such as yourself could not best them?”

She was snickering before she even finished the sentence, and leaned her elbow on Aveline’s shoulder (bit of an awkward angle for her, but weirdly comfortable), making a flicking motion with her fingertip. “Shoo, boys. Trust me, this is a fight you don’t want to start.”

The man turned around to look at his mates, and then started laughing. “Who are you to tell me what to do-“

Isabela’s knife was between his legs in an instant, introducing one small prick to another. But not enough to draw blood, just yet. “Consider me the person you want to make your very best friend right now.” Then, casually, “Hi, Big Girl. Having a bit of proper fun for once?”

Aveline Vallen

Guard Captain of Kirkwall
Canon Character
DAO/DA2 Timeline
I think it might be up to me an’ my boys right now.” he spat at her, and she rolled her eyes at him. Why do the dregs always think they have power over her?

Just then a familiar sight came into view, “Oh, Aveline! Whatever will you do against all these big, strong men? Surely a gentle maiden such as yourself could not best them?

Of course, Isabela added all the dramatic flare she was accustomed to with the woman. And despite the aggravation at the situation, she grinned a little as the group behind their grumpy friend seemed to recognize the newest arrival. Aveline didn't move when Isabela placed her elbow on her shoulder, only giving the man accosting her a look as her companion continued, “Shoo, boys. Trust me, this is a fight you don’t want to start.

"She's very right about that," Aveline agreed, pulling her weapon partially out of its sheath.

Who are you to tell me what to do-“ One minute, he was laughing and the next he was stock still. Aveline glanced down, intuiting why and was not disappointed at what she saw.

Consider me the person you want to make your very best friend right now.” She said before turning to Aveline, “Hi, Big Girl. Having a bit of proper fun for once?

"I wouldn't call it proper with the flies buzzing around my head in here," her eyes caught the man's who was still standing stock still and assessing his situation. "I was actually here to find you. Thought since we had such a good time shopping before, you might want to help me out again."

The man snorted, but then once again realized his predicament. Aveline shot an eyebrow at him, "Are you still here? Don't you know when to take your ass somewhere else?"

One of his friends put a hand on his shoulder, "Come on man, ain't worth losing your balls over"

He eased back away from Isabela's dagger, walking backwards until he was out of striking range, "Don't think this is over..."

"Just shut the fuck up, Bill, come on," his friends then practically dragged his ass out of the bar. Aveline let her hand drop off the hilt and she sat back down on the nearby stool once they were out of sight.

"Looks like not everyone appreciates the Guard-Captain in their watering hole," she shook her head, "So how do you feel about helping me with a little shopping trip again. I promise you'll love this one more than couch shopping and you were the first and only person I considered for this honor."


Prominent member
Canon Character
DAO/DA2 Timeline
Back when they’d first met, Isabela and Aveline hadn’t been at all friendly. Isabela’s natural response to anybody in authority was to rip the piss out of them until she’d popped their generally overinflated egos, and Aveline had been subject to the same treatment for a while. When Isabela had observed that Aveline wasn’t above circumventing the rules a bit or helping Hawke out on missions of dubious legality, however, she’d laid off a bit and things had gone a lot better for them since then.

Not that she’d ever lay off the exaggerated flirting. Aveline blushed in exactly the shade to clash horrendously with her hair, although she blushed less and rolled her eyes more these days. Right now, she didn’t even given an irritated shudder as Isabela leaned on her, and even appeared a tad approving as Isabela brought the man into line. Although it still left the mystery of why Aveline had come for a drink here, of all places. There were far more guard-friendly taverns in town.

“I was actually here to find you. Thought since we had such a good time shopping before, you might want to help me out again.”

Isabela’s eyes gleamed. “Oh darling – you do know just how to please me.”

The man who apparently had no survival instincts snorted, although appeared to immediately regret it as Isabela came a hair closer to opening his package for him. Not the sort of present a young boy dreams of on the night before Satinalia. A few curt words between him and his mates, and the lot of them finally got the message and buggered off. Although not without a threat from the main idiot. At least his friends were marginally smarter than him.

“Looks like not everyone appreciates the Guard-Captain in their watering hole.”

Isabela had an excellent response to that one, but sadly Aveline cut her off before she could voice it. Possibly on purpose, but maybe not.

“So how do you feel about helping me with a little shopping trip again. I promise you’ll love this one more than couch shopping and you were the first and onlyperson I considered for this honour.”

Now she was positively gleeful. “How can I love anything more than couch shopping with you? That was one of the best days I’ve had in ages that didn’t end with me making a mess of somebody’s face or bed. Or a combination of the two, if it was a really good night.” She waggled her fingers at Aveline in a come-thither fashion. “Now tell me darling. How can I assist you?”

Not a question she ever thought she’d be asking of a guard, but Aveline got a special pass.

Aveline Vallen

Guard Captain of Kirkwall
Canon Character
DAO/DA2 Timeline
When they were finally alone, at least as alone as one could be in the main room of the Hanged Man, Aveline professed her desire to have Isabela go shopping with her again. Even tried to butter her up -- which it was the truth, she had not considered anyone else.

It had the pirate beaming, “How can I love anything more than couch shopping with you? That was one of the best days I’ve had in ages that didn’t end with me making a mess of somebody’s face or bed. Or a combination of the two, if it was a really good night.

Aveline genuinely laughed, "I'm glad that you were entertained. It was nice, wasn't it? Just doing something so mundane."

Which was weird to say to Isabela, but it had been a mundane thing to do. It wasn't every day she was in the market for new furniture and most of what she had was provided by the office of the viscount. But today was something even the office of the viscount wouldn't provide her with, and she felt a bit cheeky thinking about it and not revealing what it was quite yet.

Now tell me darling. How can I assist you?” Isabela beckoned her with her fingers and Aveline finished off her drink.

She looked around before leaning in conspiratorially, "I need your expertise in clothing. Specifically, those of the undergarment variety."

She didn't quite come out and say lingerie, but she hoped her terms were clear enough. Aveline pulled back, standing straight as a board and smoothing down the front of her shirt, "The only requests I have are no lace, and nothing too complicated. Otherwise, I am in desperate need of help."


Prominent member
Canon Character
DAO/DA2 Timeline
Aveline immediately looked surreptitious. Isabela could hardly stand the anticipation, but in her experience, holding back on something usually meant the end result was all the more satisfying; whether a drink at the end of a long day, winding up a bedpartner until they were begging for the finish, or saving the biggest bastard in a fight for last just so she could enjoy taking them down and being done with it. So she held her tongue, waiting for the Guard-Captain to come out with it. And oh Maker, she didn’t disappoint.

“I need your expertise in clothing. Specifically, those of the undergarment variety.”

Isabela nearly went through the ceiling. She pressed both fists against her mouth, but it did nothing whatsoever to smother the gleeful bark of laughter that spilled through her fingers. She had not been delighted like this in a very long time; probably not since before she lost the Call, in fact.

Aveline’s ass-poker had apparently made a reappearance in her backside, as she straightened up so much she looked like a rod herself. “The only requests I have are no lace, and nothing too complicated. Otherwise, I am in desperate need of help.”

“Oh, I can help. I am so ready to help, Big Girl.” Isabela was grinning so widely it was hurting her face. “No lace is probably a wise move. It can be itchy. And it can ride up. Mine are usually more practical than people would expect.” Her tendency towards not suffocating her legs in breeches or tripping up on a skirt meant she did prefer to wear something under her tunic. Although going without would probably make quite the distraction when she backflipped during a fight, contrary to common knowledge, Isabela was actually fairly choosy about who got to see her ‘entrance to the Golden City.’

“So I need you to finish your drink, and come with me quickly, because we want to get started on this right away. It’s of the utmost importance, I take it.” Presumably, Aveline had plans with her handsome young man, and if he was like most men he would be keen on getting under that tunic as soon as possible. Maker help him if he pushed the topic before Aveline was ready, but it sounded like she was more than ready. “I’m taking you to Drawers of Desire.”

Aveline Vallen

Guard Captain of Kirkwall
Canon Character
DAO/DA2 Timeline
Of course Isabela was laughing. Aveline had expected it, really, and she took it as well as she could. It was funny, honestly. Hells, it sounded ridiculous even as she was laying out the limitations of what she was looking for.

Oh, I can help. I am so ready to help, Big Girl.” There was something near devilish in Isabela’s expression, and Aveline was almost regretting this. But no, Isabela was the best choice of people she knew to help her with this, and she knew that Isabela would get a kick out of it. “No lace is probably a wise move. It can be itchy. And it can ride up. Mine are usually more practical than people would expect.

Aveline rose an eyebrow at that, throwing a little tease of her own, “When you wear it, you mean?

So I need you to finish your drink, and come with me quickly, because we want to get started on this right away. It’s of the utmost importance, I take it.” There was a pause, and Aveline looked at her drink not really keen on finishing it. She did however take another drink while Isabela enlightened her to their destination, “I’m taking you to Drawers of Desire.

Aveline swallowed, giving her friend a very odd look. She hadn’t heard of such a place -- and that was alright, she may have known most of the city but she didn’t always know the business names. “That’s a new one for me. How about I leave this unfinished and you lead on?

She took one last look at the drink before setting it down on the counter and gesturing for Isabela to show the way. "And it's not as dire as you're making it out to be. I just... want something nice."


Prominent member
Canon Character
DAO/DA2 Timeline
Isabela liked it when Aveline attempted to turn the tables, and grinned when the other woman pointed out that, practical as her usual choice of underwear might be, there were other, more comfortable options that Isabela preferred. She chuckled. “Fair point, Big Girl. Still, that’s practical in its own way. Imagine being the enemy who looks up just as I drop down on them. I don’t think that’s a bad sight to have as your last one.”

With that little aside done, she encouraged Aveline to hurry up. When she dropped the name of the shop, she saw Corff look up, a twinge of amusement on his usually sour face. Aveline, to Isabela’s delight, was not familiar with the place. “That’s a new one for me. How about I leave this unfinished and you lead on?” She set her drink aside. “And it’s not as dire as you’re making it out to be. I just…want something nice.”

“Which is important in itself! You can never have too many nice things. Better get a few different pairs, just to make sure you get something you really like.” Grinning, she caught Aveline’s hand and half-tugged her from the room (although it was impossible to make Aveline go at anything other than the speed that the muscular woman wanted to). “And good call on leaving the drink behind. Next time you’re in the Hanged Man, order something that comes in a bottle, not a cask.”

It was probably better for Aveline’s sanity if she didn’t know what might have fallen into the ale before it ended up in her cup. Isabela wasn’t feeling quite mean enough to mention that.

Drawers of Desire was in the same seedy district that ran down to the docks, and tucked a back alley away from the main road. Isabela hadn’t discovered it until her second month stuck in this fetid city, and she still mourned the loss of those weeks she could have spent relieving the boredom with some of their ingenious little devices. For this little shop did not solely provide underwear. From the fact that the owner was usually well dressed and the interior gleamingly clean, Isabela knew she was a long way from the only person in Kirkwall who was willing to delve this far into the backstreets in order to take advantage.

She shepherded Aveline through the door, and sighed happily. The air was a little bit close, but burning incense masked Kirkwall’s usual background odour, and neat dark wood shelves showed rows of material - as well as the shop’s other items. Red satin crossed the ceiling. A few paintings hanging on the walls demonstrated what uses those things could be put to. The owner, a Rivani woman with gleaming dark eyes and wearing what appeared to be a silken robe with nothing underneath, swept forward to take Isabela’s hands and kiss her on both cheeks. “My darling, it’s been too long!”

Isabela grinned. “Good to see you, Zihara. I’m actually here for my friend today.” She indicated Aveline; Ziahara eyed her up slowly and appreciatively. “She needs nice underwear.”

“Well we can certainly do that for you,” Zihara smiled at Aveline. “Made to measure or something off the shelves?”